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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. What a very sad situation for you Amby. You have been loving, kind and brave. Zeus
  2. Photos all great, CC. Poppy and Charlie look to be very fond of each other.
  3. How upsetting, K. Have you talked to Marcus? He might have some advice or ideas.
  4. I guess there are only so many things to discuss about dogs - most "action" is in Off Topic which I suppose relates to FaceBook and other social media. I've said it before, but I believe DOL is divided into too many sub forums. A lot of good advice and interesting topics are missed. It took me years to discover the "View New Content" button
  5. It works both ways, Yonjuro. You are a pretty terrific owner as well. BTW. Lock up your daughter - she is very lovely :laugh: :thumbsup:
  6. Same here. I don't know how I'd manage if someone else was around, because I am pedantic to the nth degree about doors and gates which are always the biggest issue for me in terms of their safety.
  7. Thanks a bunch, tikira. Now that will be in my head for days. On the other hand: Jingo is gorgeous and so talented :thumbsup:
  8. I can't recommend anyone as I'm not in Brisbane, but agree that you need to act early. My only experience is rescuing an elderly tiny little L/H chi several years ago and she had inguinal hernias on both sides - one the size of tennis ball She was too old and hernias to big to do anything about, but she didn't seem to be inconvienced by them. The fear was always that organs would become twisted. Good luck. ETA: Anvet at Kedron Park always gets rave reviews.
  9. Someone giving out love like that will surely get lots back in return. :thumbsup:
  10. Creams can be breeding grounds for bugs and these sorts of wounds are best kept clean and open with a drying lotion applied.
  11. 1978 is light years away from today in terms of the treatment and understanding and recognition of companion animals. And no social media around then for a melt-down to happen.
  12. Good luck with the continued healing. Stella has a great mum
  13. Wow!! What a wonderful family. But they are right. Not a situation that can go on. Thanks for that further explanation, Sunny08 :). Having little old dogs myself, the situation did concern me. .
  14. Ha ha ha, great minds Morita. I saw this article on FB a few days ago and posted there: "Pope Francis needs to watch his back. He'll be joining Gallileo and be tried for heresy soon." But yes, I have been gobsmacked at some of the gentle and accommodating things he has said during his papacy. John Paul II and Benedict were reactionaries of the first order and I doubt they knew what "Christianity" was all about. But then that would apply to the vast majority of "The Church".
  15. Thanks for the update. Thank goodness the little one is still being cared for. Poor old guy. Must be breaking his heart. ETA: I've just re-read you opening post, Sunny08. Do you mean the little dog is still all alone in the house where the old man and woman used to live with just twice daily visits by other members of the family. That sounds a pretty lonely existence to me. I wish they'd contact Rescued With Love and then Trixie would go into foster care with people who have years of experience with elderly and/or disabled dogs.
  16. As inexperienced as I am, that was my first thought too. It looks very angry. Good luck with finding a new vet and quick healing.
  17. Jesse and Jonah are looking great, Canetoad. The outback must suit them.
  18. Brothers, hey! I have one who knows everything to know about everything and believes his stories are worth hearing over and over again. There are some subjects that simply can't be talked about with some people as hard as that may be. Obviously dog training is one of those with you and your brother, Mrs RB Her Majesty DogMad's last paragraph says it all with regards to taking our dogs with us.
  19. Isn't it just such a worry. We love them so and want only for them to be happy and healthy. Stella has been through a lot: facial surgery and desexing. She is just a baby. I tend to agree with Persephone regarding not changing her sleeping arrangements, but if you would be more relaxed hacing her in the bedroom, set both places up for her and let her chose. Look forward to tomorrow's report. well.
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