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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. If I could find what he would eat, whatever it was, I would give it to him. Because he will sometimes have a late night snack of kibble, I put some out for him and he ate a few pieces, but I had to keep putting pieces in his mouth. He'd then eat a couple on his own and then we repeat the process. In my other thread, Staffyluv mentioned Arrowroot biscuits. All I had in the biscuit line were Cheese flavoured rice crackers and vita wheat LOL. So that was Danny's late night snack. Off to the vet this morning as he now has a small ulcer on his eye He threw up twice there and twice when we arrived home, but he was a bright as a button - buttons being relative these days. I had to go out again and when I arrived home, I looked around for some treats and, as roast chicken was still in the fief, decided to give them some of that. I had to hand feed him, but Danny ate what could be called a meal-sized amount. :whee: Now everything crossed that he keeps it all down. To that end, I am going to plonk myself on the couch which means he will join me and be very happy to snooze for a while :D :D
  2. The reactions here to the chap's comment have made me curious and interested, that's all. If we don't get interested in the whys and wherefores not much point really. I am not stressing or worried or upset. Just curious. :) :) Anyway, I related it all to my vet this morning and he laughed/grimaced in a sort of resigned and "what can you do" way and said that there are a lot of those sorts of comments around. He told me that Harry Cooper was one of his lecturers who taught that once a bird is on the floor of its cage that's it. When you have lecturers who say those sorts of things what can you expect? (And, yes, I reckon and have always done so, that HC is a fool and my vet doesn't disagree :laugh: :laugh: )
  3. I obviously need to explain myself a little more. When I said that I'd investigate further, I didn't mean whether the refusal of BBQ chicken was a death sentence or scientifically researched LOL. I meant that I would try to extract from my neighbour when it was said, why it was said, context, etc etc because it didn't cross my mind for a second that the man was being a buffoon, unsympathetic or whatever. It was just something he was saying to me. The fact that Danny has refused BBQ chicken did not throw me into a further panic because he is refusing just about everything and we are off to the vet in an hour's time. VizslaMomma, you are spot on. I think a lot of men were behind the door when tact was given out. The brightest of minds can be tactless.
  4. On my shopping list Staffyluv. The only biscuits I have in the house are Vita Wheat and Peckish Rice Crackers so guess what Danny's late night supper was. To be honest, I didn't see it like that at the time. In fact, I think he would be horrified to think he had been tactless or had caused offence. Yes, I didn't think for a moment he did either. Next time I see him I will investigate the vet's remark further.
  5. I was out walking the dogs today and bumped into neighbours. Chatting away and I was updating them about Danny saying he'd refused BBQ chicken yesterday and lightly fried chicken strips today. I commented that BBQ chicken was generally the fall back food for sick dogs. The man said that his vet told him that if a dog refuses BBQ chicken, go home and dig a hole.
  6. I am a great supporter of pounds which work with rescue groups, but let's face it, they don't query adoptions, they don't do home checks, very few desex or give desexing vouchers. I think most of them just want the animals out. Even the best pounds leave poor animals in terrible matted conditions, eyes obviously infected not treated, etc etc etc. I can't see them worrying too much about this program.
  7. My thoughts are with you and Rocky, Rebecca. No advice, I am sorry, but I just wanted to send you cyber good wishes. Your situation is very difficult not having a vet on duty. If Rocky is reasonably comfortable, pain free and still interested in what is going on around, I agree with CavNrott's post.
  8. He is such a lovely dog and really landed on all four paws (corn notwithstanding ) when you Foster Failed, Brandiandwe.
  9. Wouldn't touch it. But some will and have a good result, some will and have a not so good result. If all you can afford is $50 to adopt a dog or a cat or other animal, you cannot afford to look after it properly.
  10. :laugh: :laugh: I'm a dobber. Couldn't help myself.
  11. Couldn't resist - came up in my FB News Feed
  12. Do you think it is possible for a dog to have a form of anorexia? Apart from the little bit of Schmackos and pressed chicken Danny ate a few days ago, he has eaten probably what amounts to a few tablespoons of food and most of that has been thrown up including his meds. We are off to the vet again, naturally. Chicken Nuggets -Fail Smoked Salmon - Fail Roast Chicken - Fail Schmackos - Fail Kibble (two sorts) - Fail Yoghurt - a bit Fancy Feast Kitten - a couple of mouthfuls (too rich, I think because that started off a chain of vomitting) Fancy Feast Adult - Fail Devon - Fail Chicken and Ham Roll (human grade) - Fail
  13. Merry Christmas from the City to the Outback. Hope you had a good time and you and your doggies can now have a little lovin'
  14. How heartbreaking, Montall. Deepest sympathies to you and RIP gorgeous Monty. Yes, we will always find a way to beat outselves up, so I won't tell you not too. Just don't do it too hard Monty.
  15. Later LOL. Danny has now had a hugely nutritious meal of Schmackos Marrobones Minis (had the strips in my shopping trolley, but just couldn't do it ) and Ingham chicken roll. He had a great time, although I had to put a piece of the Schmacko in his mouth and hold it closed for a few seconds. He then spat it out, but after a few false starts he ate about 4 cut into tiny pieces. Naturally the others ate their offerings with gusto.
  16. Made my list .... off to the shops. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Chicken Mince FF Kitten Cans Charcoal Tablets Sweet potatoe Raw fish (god help me) Chicken nuggets Roast Chicken Schmackos (yes will even give them a try) Turmeric Gotta larf otherwise I'd cry.
  17. Ha ha ha, Stressmagnet. I will be trying Danny with smoked salmon on Christmas Day. I am go to a friend's place and she just sent an email asking what I eat. She knows I am a vegetarian, but can't seem to get her head around that fish is meat LOL. Anyway, she is looking after a friend's dog for a few weeks and said that all my dogs are welcome (no I wouldn't do it to her or to the others or to me !) Anyway we were chatting and I realised that because of his medication regime, I would have to take Danny. He'll sleep the whole time anyway. So we will see if his taste buds can be tempted by smoked salmon and if he likes it, I can blame you for my blown budget :laugh:
  18. What a mine of information DOL is and populated by very caring people. Thank you. T: Thank you for the kind offer. At one stage I was processing his food and syringing it into him and sometimes he would lap it down. Like everything else, one or twice and occasionally a third, and then he'd refuse. When I found he'd dropped to 5kg, I contemplated the syringing again and plan to start on that today. There is nothing wrong with his teeth as he will chew on a roo jerky. I've thought at times maybe he has a sore tongue, but that has been ruled out. I chop or mash most things for him. SM: Danny sends a little kiss and he isn't much of a kisser, more of a cuddler . If I thought for a moment he would eat caviar and/or smoked salmon, I'd gut the bloody fish and smoke the salmon myself :laugh: :laugh:. That would be something only a mother would do as I am a vegetarian and even before that, just the smell of smoked salmon would have me rushing to the bathroom :eek: . B: I had Danny on Periactin for a while trying to restore his appetite. Eventually stopped because it wasn't working and he is already on so much medicaton. However, I have to go to the chemist today so will ask about that. I can crush them up and mix in water to syringe, I would imagine.
  19. Thanks for all of those suggestions, Mrs RB. Will be putting all these suggestions into a document to keep with me when I go shopping. The whole difficulty, I believe, stems from the fact that Danny has never really been food driven except for treats like cheese and dried liver. I've stopped the liver treats to get him interested in coming for a walk (don't get me wrong - I don't force him, but he loves it when we are out and we go only a short way and very slowly) because the last time I gave him some he sicked it up and it wasn't much. He has only ever really eaten to stay alive, as I say. Some dogs live to eat - not Danny.
  20. As I am a vegetarian, I will have this myself once or twice a week and always give him the bowl to lick and leave some for him. Sometimes he eats it, but only left overs. He won't eat if if especially prepared for him. Explain that. I can't. :banghead:
  21. Giving him Nutrigel demands that I anchor him between my legs, force his mouth open and slather it on his tongue. Too upsetting for us both. Angus has tried about every prescription food in the shop. I went in once when Nikki was on and asked her for a selection LOL. She brought out a few including a small can of a newly released recipe for me to try ..... as you would know, they are not cheap. That night I gave it to him, left him barricaded in the kitchen, came back and saw an empty bowl. Excitement!!!! When I picked up the bowl, I discovered it all on the floor where he'd immediately sicked it all up . That was some weeks ago, because he doesn't throw up much anymore.
  22. NB to self: bin out of date turmeric and buy new. Thanks Yonjuro. Big D, I'm pretty sure I did something wrong along the way, but if tossed food into the air for my dogs, they'd either report me to the RSPCA or hide. LOL.
  23. Damn! I had that on a shopping list, but must have "fallen off". Thanks for the reminder
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