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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. VM: I see this as the big problem. His medications onviously aren't working . His vet and I have poured over the medications bible from time to time looking at others, but the past few days have been hard on Danny and we need to find another rregime. Otherwise, he will just starve himself to death. T: I haven't tried milk, but he does love tea and coffee after I have "finished". In the past few days, I have been trying Arrowroot Biscuits and Ginger Nut biscuits broken up into a bit of tea or coffee and he hasn't been interested. SM: Morning are not good in this household - and 8am is pretty early. . But Danny is just curled up on a dog mat sound asleep. I carried him downstairs to save him walking (any excuse for cuddles) and he just stood on the pathway for a while....... until Jeune appeared and his nature asserted itself. :D I call Jeune the Femme Fatale as there is "something" about her that has other dogs sniffing madly. Our appointment is for 10.45am so hopefully then we can get something to help him.
  2. I don't feel it, VM :cry: His food intake yesterday was highly nutritious - ice cream and pizza base . Today, I have tried just about everything in the repertroire, but he is just not well enough and has not eaten even a tiny morsel. Not even yoghurt or icecream could tempt him and he has just brought up the last of his daily meds together with some water he'd had earlier. I'd never heard of Ranitidine before Danny became unwell, but I believe it is either or similar to Zantac and is supposed to give acid relief, which I don't think it has been doing.
  3. Danny is very unwell today. :cry: Off to the vet first thing tomorrow. His stance is slightly twisted and he has been doing some "play bows" so I think he is in pain. Although it might have seemed impossible, he is more velcroed to me than usual and that exhausts him, so we will be having an early night.
  4. Ah Jed Never far from the top of my mind. I'm paranoid too. I had to go out briefly today for some much needed shopping and while I was out, I couldn't remember turning the air conditioning off. Worried sick until I got home to find that I had.
  5. I'm still haunted by the untimely deaths of two of my dogs years later. I can only shake my head at how owners would feel having their pets die like that :cry: . It just heartbreaking.
  6. I had to laugh at this, because whenever I've looked after people's dog/s, I too have said that I didn't want payment - and I meant it. I am genuinely happy to be able to help someone out and when it comes to giving people peace of mind because they know they can go away and not have to worry about the health and well being of their dogs, is enough for me. One family who knew I was a vegetarian, used to go to a pasta place and get me some frozen lasagna meals LOL. I loved that. I depends on the person and their likes and dislikes. If you really want to give something (and most people want to whether or not they are told to the contrary) it needs only be a token, a recognition.
  7. Just be careful, isn't set up by the company, it's been set up by someone named Olivia Kmet and judging by the email address for the paypal account, it's hers. Her intentions are probably completely honourable but be sure of who you are donating to. I had actually typed a response to VizslaMomma's post, just saying that I felt setting up this FB page was a bit premature, but didn't post it because I thought maybe I was being unsympathetic. I did look at the FB page and, as K says, the woman's intentions are probably honourable, but why would anyone donate to a rebuild of a business when you don't even know if the people are going to rebuild no matter what the business might have been. And in a tragic situation like this where so many other people have been so horribly affected, well I wouldn't be touching it.
  8. . this is page 21 for me :). If you click on My Settings Under Your Options click on Forums There is an option to change the number of posts to a page.
  9. For the first month or more, I kept a detailed virtually hour by hour account as an aide memoire to myself and a report for his vets of what he ate, how much, when, whether he kept it down, his demeanour, etc etc. We have to go back to the vet on Monday to assess his eye. Frankly, I think the vets are at a loss as well . He wouldn't even touch yoghurt or icecream yesterday, although he did have the roo jerky. He won't eat roo mince as has been suggested. But then the other dogs (except Bunter of course) aren't too keen on that either. One of his medications is pretty foul (Ranitidine) and in the past few days, I've been giving him a little bit of peanut butter (lite :) ) and that was in his little throw up this morning, so I'll have to stop that.
  10. 20 pages You must have different settings to mine LOL. But, no. I don't recall ginger being mentioned and his nausea isn't something that I seem to be able to address , so thank you for that suggestion. I wonder if you can get it in liquid form? I'll ask at the chemist. I'll also try ginger nut biscuits. to everyone who keeps coming up with ideas. I am really moved and grateful to everyone who shares their successes and thoughts as to what might help.
  11. That sounds tasty, Boronia. Thank you. As an aside, watch what peanut butter you use everyone and ensure it doesn't contain Palm Oil. :( My little red man is not well today and he has thrown up (froth and bile) a couple of times :cry: . On top of all his gut problems he has an ulcer on his eye - which we have been treating, of course. My poor little darling is just so stoic through all of this. He is on three syringed medications three times a day, one application per day of Maxidex to his right eye and applications of two eye ointments three times a day to his left eye. This is so much for Danny or anyone or any animal to contend with every day. If his eye isn't any better by next week, he may need specialist treatment which is scaring me because of his awful reaction to an anaesthetic in October. However, if this is required, I will be going to Geoff Smith over at Homebush. I imagine the anaesthetic won't be as strong or for as long, but even so . . . . . If he would just get comfortable in one place and stay there, but he exhausts himself by getting up and following me every time I move. But to see his little tail wagging makes me realise just how amazing dogs are - as if I needed reminding.
  12. Yes, T. He gets all excited when I get Gussy's food and I regularly put a little bit down for him which he just as regularly then sniffs, gives me the "you are horrible" look and looks as though he is going to burst into tears. He will very occasionally clean up the little bit that might be left in Gussy's bowl.
  13. Mrs RB. Although I do remember having crumbed brains as a child. But they were tiny pieces so probably more fried crumbs with a bit of brain LOL. Danny has just had two reasonably large pieces of roo jerky (I gave them all some) after a morning spent looking at me as though I were the worst person in the world. I figured he wasn't feeling too well. He is now happily rolling around like a puppy. I know he is old, but this business has really aged him . A couple of years ago, Myrtie ended up in emergency with roo jerky caught in her throat so I am a little nervous about giving it these days particularly with Danny's reflux. I watch him like a hawk for any signs of gagging. Accordingly to the scales at the vet, he hasn't lost anymore weight, but he feels as though he has.
  14. You have a very good memory, DDD! :D For some things, yes. LOL.
  15. Mrs RB - I'm a vegetarian LOL, so wouldn't be eating the boiled bones. I think it would be too fatty for Danny in any case. There is a whole thread somewhere on Green Tripe, Raffiki, so I will head over to take a look. I recall from long long ago that mum used to make tripe in parsley sauce for dad. Just the sight was enough for me, but could probably handle it in a can :laugh:
  16. There was a video doing the rounds of a little child in the dog's donut bed and the dog dragging and shaking the bed and trying to get into with with the child. The parents were laughing themselves silly including at one stage when the dog tipped the bed up and the child toppled over ..... onto his/her head The comments were highly condemnatory, much the same as those in this thread, thank goodness.
  17. I recall trying Ziwipeak (thanks to DOLer CavsRcute) some years ago long before Danny's current situation, and I cannot remember how it was received, but as I didn't continue with it, I suppose it was their usual ho hum. But as I have to go out today, I will get a couple of cans.
  18. Mrs RB for beef stock. I had to get him started by syringing some into his mouth, but then he lapped up a small bowl. Arrowroot biscuits - fail but he did enjoy licking the icecream they were mixed with LOL. Roast chicken found favour again today.
  19. Oh my gosh, makes me want to grab a sarong and join you. LOL. Such a beautiful spot. The dogs look as though they were having just the best time.
  20. Sympathy with you and the little dog, Seren. Sometimes only screaming and shouting and telling them they are cruel and stupid will get through to some people. Hopefully Heidi will pull through without permanent damage. I am so damned mad along with you.
  21. Poor darling. I don't have anything constructive to add except to say that I hope you get someone who can help Puck. Thumbs down to your vet for not realling dealing with the problem and bagging other specialities. That photo is beautiful and I will be nominating the Wheat Bag for Australian of the Year.
  22. I'm besotted (read: insanely jealous) of those curls :laugh: :laugh:
  23. Thanks, Coogie and for your post in the other thread. :) he is sound asleep now so I am hoping his little tum is digesting it all
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