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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Gosh, I missed these posts, I'm sorry. Thank you for thinking of Danny and me. He is just the same and the first time he ate the goodies and "recipe" that BM Animals sent up was the last (photo of empty plate at post #442). Same pattern as so many times before, but I really thought this time would be different. He won't even eat the Green Tripe Medallions that he absolutely wolfed down when Valbitz sent me some. The only things he eats regularly (i.e. every day) are the dried chicken treats and because he was eating those, I tried him with liver treats and he eats those as well. I have previously not given him liver treats because I thought they would be too rich. But I don't over do it and as long as he keeps them down, I'll give him little bits throughout the day. So I've ordered more Chicken Treats and another chicken treat so hopefully, he doesn't decide that he no longer likes those. Today, he wouldn't even eat a roo jerky piece. Following today's consultation, his vet is not happy with the slow healing of the ulcer on his eye and if there hasn't been any progress at next consultation (this Friday) he may have to go to the eye specialist. He has also lost weight and is now only 5.1kg. I have started syringing bone broth mixed with the probiotics from BM Animals. That isn't easy because he will sometimes refuse to swallow and just lets it dribble out of his mouth. I found a last can of Science Diet in the cupboard, so I will make that into a slush tomorrow and syringe. Only thing I can do, I suppose, short of letting him starve himself to death, which I am really afraid he is doing all by himself . I'm terrified he will reach that anorexic stage where he really wants to eat but just can't.
  2. Rest In Peace Rocky. A beautiful tribute, Rebecca G. I am sure we all knew that you would be finding it very tough and felt keenly for your sorrow. It is a hard place to be. Take care.
  3. Safe and they'll be able to get all those wonderful smells that dogs get hanging out of windows.
  4. I think you should paint her toe nails to match the harness. She is so pretty.
  5. ..and why would it be a judgement ? if you rescued a lizard off a highway, or decided to chain yourself to a tree - and we said "well Done , you are doing the right thing!" Would that be a judgement ? No .... I also think you have done a good thing - it saves all sorts of hassles :) I feel a bit the same. Why is it a judgement of what you hadn't done before if they are agreeing with you now. Maybe they have never even given it a thought before. If they are your friends, they probably knew you were waiting for the right time, because your breeder might have wanted to use him. Getting heated over nothing, I think. Big hugs. Have a
  6. A couple of years ago, I passed (luckily on the other side of the road) an elderly couple walking a little JR type dog. The dog stopped to poo and the woman chased it around trying to get a plastic back under its backside. The man, sensibly, kept walking. I have to say I was shaking my head at the sight.
  7. I wish someone would rescue me What a morning!! I'm sure others have had worse, but mine is the one I live with. I had an appoinment at the vets for both Danny and Bunter: Danny to have the ulcer on his eye checked and debrided. Bunter because he has had a small lump on his tummy every since I adopted him from Renbury pound March 2011. The vet is not sure, but thinks it is a serbaceous cyst. It "leaked/burst" about 18 months ago, but soon cleared up with a course of AB. On Wednesday night when I lifted him up on the bed, the lump (which has probably tripled in size over the years) was very hard and a couple of times that day, he'd squeaked when I picked him up. I was nearly ready to leave for the vet this morning and noticed that Bunter was pretty subdued. He is a very quiet boy in any case and I actually had to push the little bit of peanut butter holding his heart tablet into his mouth. Unheard of!! Anyway, he went off to the water bowl and after a drink, settled down on the kitchen floor which is not unusual, but a bit odd. When he got up there was a huge puddle of brown/red bloody mess where he'd been lying. Luckily he tottered off to one of the donut beds, so I was able to pick him up in that and not hurt him for the trip to the vet. He is now on AB and bathing the site a few times per day. And back for check up on Monday. Because of his heart, vet is very concerned if he needs sedation for further procedure. The vet then checked Danny's eye, gave it a small debride, but is not happy with the way it is healing. I may have to take him to the specialist at ARH. They are brilliant there and Geoff Smith, the specialist, was the one who restored Bunter's sight. On my return home, I gave Bunter the first of his AB in a bit of food and then he and Danny then decided to have a throwing up competition One elderly person FTGH.
  8. Thanks Ranga. He never has much and my coffee is instant, even so, I will be careful.
  9. The throw up was before he'd eaten anything, Valbitz, and I did wonder whether it could have been the heat. The air conditioning is blasting away now. I thought I'd take a photo of the meds and food all set out LOL. A sense of the ridiculous has to help ....... I guess.
  10. Only a tiny bit, Boronia. Unfortunately, he threw up when we came back from our walk (which was very very slow and short), so I didn't really expect him to eat anything. But as I was feeding the others, I put his bowl down. He didn't do his usual carry on as though it was poison and how could I be so cruel. A small improvement, but they all tot up. They are all settled down to sleep now
  11. :laugh: :laugh: Boronia, 9am EDST in my household is like 5am in a normal household . We are all very late risers. So that answer is - no, because I am chicken LOL He has had all his meds though and is wandering around with his tail half up which is a change. He has had a green tripe medallion which is about the size of 50cent piece. I will wait a little while to let him properly wake up. It is going to be a stinker here in Sydney today, so I I'll take them for a little walk before it is too awful.
  12. The goodies arrived today from BM Pet Snax. They arrived when I was going out to an appointment, so I've only just been able to follow the instructions sent for feeding Danny. His first meal consisted of chicken, bone broth, few small pieces of dried green tripe, topped with a mixture of three types of powdered food (bovine pancreas, green tripe and kefir. The other dogs had the same and all bowls looked like this:
  13. One food might suit one dog, but not the other. Same as humans. Trial and error. Good luck.
  14. Such a sad loss twice over - Henry lost his happy interesting life and your family lost a loving and loved member, Kirty. Deepest condolences.
  15. OOoh, sounds painful Coogee. I don't know, have never been bitten and sure don't want to be. I'd be worried about the Shar Pei getting bitten, seeing there is that horrible Shar Pei fever.
  16. Thanks Coogie. He is cute little guy, that's for sure, and I do know what you mean about putting a face to a recipient of cyber best wishes :laugh: All he had to eat today was the 1/4 teaspoon of pasta sauce (creamy) from my lunch and he licked the saucepan as though he was never going to get another feed in his life. There was practically nothing left in it, but what there was he determined to get up every last morsel. He did have a throw up so I imagine it is too rich, but he licked it up again (sorry folks ). Apart from that nothing until about 10.30pm when he had some kibble and some bone/meat/broth mixture. He seemed happy with that. He is now on my bed finishing off Gussy Cat's dinner which is always a mix of raw and canned. It if I give it to him specifically, he won't eat it. Are you confused? I sure am :confused: :laugh: :laugh: The ulcer on his eye is healing, very slowly though. The vet scrapes that every week. As if everything else wasn't enough . He is such a good boy.
  17. Yonjuro, all the recipes I've seen on line say 24 hours. I must admit I was somewhat daunted at the prospect of having something simmering for that long and overnight because of my fear of fire (I have gas), but we accomplished it without any drama. Because I want to be able to use the bone/meat residue, I think I would stick with that length of time. I have a horror of bones being caught - did have an episode with roo jerky being caught in one of my dog's throat a few years ago and that was scary enough Yes, The recipes generally add a heap of parsely before finishing - forgotten how long before, now. I just googled Bone Broth. Next time I make it, I will be using lots of veggies the other things you suggest.
  18. I just get a soft broom and carry them outside. But then spiders don't really worry me, but I would jump a mile high if one landed on me. When I takes scraps down to the compost heap, I have to wave a rake or broom in front of me because I have spider webs from the bushes to the fence. When I put up the deck clothes line, by the time I go back to hang out the washing there'll be little spiders start to weave. :laugh: You couldn't live here and be an arachnophobe.
  19. For those who have been suggesting Maxalon. I asked Angus about this this morning and it turns out that it was one of the very first meds Danny was on, but as it was in tablet form he would spit it out. Apparently Metomide (see my very first post) is Maxalon. When I came home I checked and found I still have a supply of those and am now waiting for Angus to call me back to advise dosage, etc. He is certainly better than when I started this thread so I may be able to find something to feed him the Metomide in.
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