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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Never a truer word, LG. This popped up in my FB the other day and I really think it applies here.
  2. We stil have a tireless fighter for justice for the animals at LDH on DOL. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/260665-ldh-at-it-again/page__p__6606446__fromsearch__1#entry6606446
  3. Who has a bloodlust. And who also has an Order of Australia. Shows you the worth of them
  4. Absolutely amazing. They thought maybe 80 people and 500 turned up. They had photos of some of the animals killed by LDH. Kae Norman is an amazing, indefatigable woman. Wish there were more with her energies and stamina. She has been fighting this house of horrors for a long time.
  5. Isn't it lovely? I've been scrolling through all my photographs, emails and documents having a cull and trying to learn the new systems.
  6. Hi Katjek. So heartening and lovely to read messages from DOLers. :thanks: He seems okay, pretty well same as usual. Happy out of his head to see me (just returned from walking Tamar and Bunter) and content so long as I am in his sight LOL. I have been scrolling through my photos since I acquired a new computer (iMac) and came across this one. It is from a few years ago; he has always been Mummy's Boy.
  7. Oh dear, your poor little girl. Yes, they just don't understand and think that the dogs (or other pets) have just gone somewhere for a while and will be back. It is very difficult when we have our own grief to contend with and at the same time try to help someone else with theirs. My heart goes out to you all. Yes, a very beautiful boy who was meant to share his life with you.
  8. This is the whole point. Every time LDH comes up and it has many time, people come out and say how do we know these things happened, etc etc etc. As you say, every if a few of these stories are true, there is something radically wrong. And we now have incontrovertible proof, that the horrible cruelty that goes on in that dreadful place are facts and not just the ramblings of a few disaffected staff which Graeme Smith, Tribe and others have said over the years. Exactly. And again, over the years, people have sought to defuse any discussion about LDH by sheeting the blame home to incompetent and uncaring and stupid owners. You can have a place like Fort Knox and think you have all bases covered and a determine or very frightened dog can still get out. This issue here is the investigation of LDH which is about 20 years (if not more) overdue.
  9. I imagine Sue Conroy and Graeme Smith drive around in top of the range late model whatevers and have exquisitely turned out offices, while they begrudge the dogs a bit of comfort. Beyond comprehension really.
  10. Thank you ladies. I have to confess I am somewhat concerned tonight. Today we had an appointment at my usual vet to check his eye. We agreed that he really needed to be seen by the specialist and I was able to get an appointment at 4pm this afternoon. Because of Friday afternoon traffic, we were away from home for over three hours and only about 25 minutes of that was at the specialist. Tonight he is absolutely exhausted. He didn't really relax much in the car and it breaks my heart because one of his favourite things was to stand up on the seat and look out the window. Naturally, I wouldn't let him hang out the window and he would be secured by his harness; the window would be down just a little to let the air through. He doesn't have the strength in his legs anymore. My big concern is how he will cope with the little op he has to have. We have an appointment for surgery to his eye on Wednesday and I am wondering how he will come through. We will be doing pre-anaesthetic bloods of course, but he has to have a GA and not just a local. He will be under for only about 10 minutes and the specialist said that he'd be in more danger driving home. I just remember how sick he was after his trip to SASH and I did stress this to the specialist. The thing is, he is so uncomfortable that even with the ointments and treatment from my vet every week, he is squinting pretty well all the time now. I imagine it is like having a lot of grit in your eye all the time. I am hoping that when that discomfort is gone, he will feel a lot better.
  11. Thank you, cavNrott. I am hopeful too. Angus (my vet) doesn't believe he is in pain, but just very very uncomfortable and his squinting has been becoming more consistent. Poor boy. I think I'd be more than squinting if some nasty person was squeezing two lots of gel into my eye three times a day. :( I am sure the goodies from BM Animals are helping as well.
  12. After the morning mishap, we did very well yesterday. He again ate the slurry mixture, so although he isn't eating the daily diet that BM Animals recommended, he is eating [drinking LOL] their probiotics and powdered pancreas mixed in with bone broth and Royal Canin. He hasn't lost any weight this week either. We have an appointment with the eye specialist at North Shore Veterinary Specialist Centre this afternoon and I am very happy that I will be seeing the specialist, Jeff Smith, who waved his magic scalpels and gave Bunter back his sight 4 years ago. Danny is so uncomfortable with his eye, that if they can be fixed, I am sure he will be happier. He has eaten really well this morning!! Never ending with elderly animals (not to mention their mother ).
  13. :birthday: :love: And flowers for mum :flower: I had a chuckle at that last photo. I was at the vet early this week with Danny and Bunter; as Bunter was very fidgety I thought he might need to pee or poo, so took him outside, came back to find the vet and Danny in that position. LOL. Apparently poor Danny was scratching at the door after me. Love the photos of Hank and Odie together - sheer delight.
  14. And that just about sums it all up. The man and some of his colleagues are psychopaths.
  15. Oh Dave, how absolutely heartbreaking for you and your family :cry: You all put up an incredible fight for Jazz and Jazz most of all. You made us all see what a lovely dog she was and the love you have for Jazz and Zeus has shone through all your posts; no dogs could ask for more. My deepest condolences. Goodbye dear Jazz. You were totally loved and treasured. :rainbowbridge:
  16. He is much the same, thanks Boronia. Yesterday was extraordinary in that he was fed such an assortment of foods that I thought I'd be lucky to get away with it if I didn't have to strip and wash all the bedding. Thankfully, I was totally wrong in that. He kept down syringed broth and probiotics, syringed slurry of Royal Canin and broth, little meals of lactose free lite cream, ice-cream, yoghurt, liver treats. When we went to bed, he was leaping around, rolling and rubbing and digging to China, trying to hump Jeune and Tamar. He was so lively and happy and I figured it was because he'd had enough to eat through the day, and most of all was feeling good. So this morning, his mother was very very stupid. With his meds (which taste awful) I gave him a little bowl of lactose free lite cream which he quite happily lapped up. :whip: to me! I found it all brought up in the bedroom. At least there wasn't any evidence of food from yesterday there so that had all been kept down and digested. I keep telling myself and keep ignoring myself that I have a very elderly dog here and just the way you wouldn't feed an elderly sick person a huge meal of rich food, I shouldn't do that to Danny.
  17. :laugh: :laugh: I would have thought the sun was shining INTO her @^$* :D She is a cutie. Does Tallie ever come walking with you?
  18. Big pot of bone broth ready for straining. House smells horrible, but a bit of lavender oil in the burner should set that straight. :) Oh, and Danny kept the Lactose Free Lite Cream down and has had a little bit this morning.
  19. I tried an appetite stimulant for Danny which had no effect. Apparently they work well for cats, but not so well with dogs. I still have a box of 80 tablets of Periactin if anyone is interested. Probably cost more to post than to buy LOL. I can't remember what they cost. I've not heard of mirtazapine.
  20. Gosh what a beautiful dog. The owners have been led astray by whoever gave him to them. Keetamouse is Canberra. And what about DAS? There is a pinned thread at the top of rescue which might give you a few leads - don't know how up to date it is though. That dog is so beautiful and, yes, I think German Spitz. I rescued and rehomed one many years ago. Boy was it touch and go that he stayed with me LOL.
  21. CavNrott, no matter what happens on Friday, I will def go to the specialist. Vet has been debriding the cornea for some weeks now (only needs a local drop into the eye) and at first he was very pleased with the result, but I imagine Danny's healing processes are somewhat compromised by his other conditions. What you have described as happening for your Rottie is what the vet has described to me as the specialist treatment. MrsRB, I'm not having any difficulties with giving Danny his meds at the moment; the only one in pill form is tiny and at the moment, he is still taking it in the peanut butter and it isn't (as was the case previously) making him throw up. Fingers and toes crossed that that continues to be the case. I did have a bad couple of moments yesterday morning when he spat it out, but mornings are never good and when I tried again, he took it. I don't feel I could risk trying to give him all his meds in peanut butter. I bought some lactose free lite cream because I'd remembered someone suggested that to me when Gussy Cat was losing condition. He lapped up an amount which would constitute a fair contribution to his daily calorific needs :D :D Now to watch him like a hawk to see that he doesn't bring it up because it is pretty rich, despite being Lite.
  22. Thanks, SM. As pathetic as it sounds, I am sitting here in tears an hour and a half late with starting the daily round of medications and trying to find something Danny will eat. He is so good, because as much as he hates it all, he just stands there while I put drops in one eye, two ointments in another, and syringe three medications and give another in a bit of peanut butter. And apart from the drops in his right eye which is only once a day, this goes on three times a day every day. He never complains, never runs away, just takes it all. And I don't even know if any of it is helping
  23. He had endoscopy and stomach biopsies way back in October. Nothing definite. He was going to have a flouroscopy, but we decided against that.
  24. Doberkids, I am really sorry to read about your feeding difficult and Bindi's diagnosis. I started a thread sometime ago, because I am going through all sorts of feeding problems with my dog Danny. As usual, DOLers have dug deep with their support and suggestions . The thread is in General and called "What Food Can your dog not resist". There are heaps of suggestions there from bought and homemade to kibble and canned and additives, some of which might be able to help you. Good luck and heaps of smoochies to Bindi.
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