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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I follow a farm sanctuary in Tasmania (Brightside Farm Sanctuary) on FB. They also rescue dogs and a lot of greyhounds. The woman who runs the sanctuary has been doing a few promotional activies in the past week to counter balance all the negative publicity. A couple of days ago, she posted photographs of one of her greys with a sweet little piglet. It just occurred to me while I was typing this and thinking about Brightside's photographs, that Greyhounds must be the breed with the most variety in colours of coats: pure white to pitch black and every colour and every combination in between.
  2. This gave me a laugh. I have the air dried powdered green tripe which I add to the dogs' food. I keep it in its packet and then in a tightly sealed container. I started a new pack this evening. Each time I walked through the kitchen I was getting this awful smell and thought some might have fallen on the floor. Out with the mop and then I saw the old packet on the bench, Yes - it is very smelly. I get mine through BM Animals and you can order via their website. They also do lots of other air dried foods for treats.
  3. If anything could change people's minds (and educate them),Yonjuro, it would be your pix of Ronin and Tigger playing. ETA: That little Spitz in the third photo looks a bit like my Danny
  4. Thank you for that. I will take my magnifying glass so I can read the small print LOL.
  5. Oh that would be great,CavsRcute. I did start googling earlier, but got sidetracked.
  6. That is fantastic news, Stitch and I hope the rumbles continue to stay away. I have a dog who is really suffering from non specific gastritis and have tried just about everything too. I did introduce all my dogs to Manuka Honey but without success. Where could I buy raw honey and know that it really was the real deal?
  7. Get a good lawyer who can argue that you have a physical version of Tourette Syndrome and were unable to stop your arms and legs and teeth flailing around the thumpee.
  8. Yes, Sandgrubber, it would be associated with Danny's gastro problems, poor darling. It makes very interesting and informative reading, thank you. Danny only does this very occasionally and when he does it can go on for quite some time. He can be quite frenetic about it as well and it is impossible to stop him.
  9. It is amazing how much wrong you can find with a dog who has been rescued. Then it depends on how far the rescue group is prepared to go. I know any dog I rescued/fostered deserved the same sort of treatment I would give my own. Very easy for a dog who has [forgotten name - similar to parvo] to rack up a bill of a few thousand dollars.
  10. Oh dear. Sounds more than not good. Sounds dodgy. However, rescuing can be very very expensive. $8,000 could be expended easily and quickly depending on what the group finds wrong with dogs they rescue. But to delete you and block you would suggest that they are not being honest or, at the very least, being quite immature in not understanding and accepting that people who donate have every right to (and probably should) ask questions as to whether the donations go.
  11. She was interviewed on ABC TV this morning ---- and, as usual, was brilliant.
  12. I know, Mita. What I am saying is that people at all levels would have known about all these horrible practises and it would have been a deliberate decision to do nothing. Welfare is secondary to making money.
  13. I'd stick my head on the block and say no failure there ------ deliberate.
  14. So in an effort to encourage a culture of reporting this sort of animal abuse, which is what the industry needs if it is to stay viable, I hope the RSPCA, police, or whoever you give your tip off to will follow it up. Otherwise all that is left is animal rights activists working undercover. I'd laugh if I wasn't crying. I
  15. It is a worry, K, as this argument has been used successfully before. I've forgotten exact details, now, but it think it was used in some of the Live Animal Exports exposes. Yet somehow the police, RSPCA, and other organisations manage to uncover and stop crimes every single day. Go figure! Exactly, Aidan2 - extremely selective and "turning a blind eye" takes on whole new dimensions. I don't think it's got too many people beat, but then it depends on where your sympathies and allegiances lie.
  16. Poor darling. He must have been sucked dry. :mad All good from now on.
  17. OMG - amongst other things I think, my darling little Myrtie had Yorkie and Maltese in her make up. She had so much personality and I miss her every day. This little girl looks totally adorable.
  18. Just anecdotal, Rebanne, or can you back this up with hard evidence? Unless you can and are just relying on fifth hand reports, you shouldn't be adding fuel to a fire, small, nonexistent or otherwise. I could back it up but not for you. You are basically calling me a liar and a stir monger. It's not your breed having it's heart torn out. So back off! No, I am not calling you a liar or being a stir monger. You are categorically stating that people walking greyhounds have been abused. I am sure I am not the only one who would like to have hard evidence. And my breed (small fluffies and toy mixed and not mixed) have received more bad press consistently over the years on this board than greyhounds have.
  19. Hmm, that is just silly. Not everyone who turns out to be a good dog owner starts off being an expert. In fact, over the years, I have seen quite the opposite happen. I do tend feel that your second comment might be the case, though. Because there are more and more greyhounds appearing just being walked around the streets and obviously just pets, people will be more inclined to take notice and hopefully ask questions.
  20. Just anecdotal, Rebanne, or can you back this up with hard evidence? Unless you can and are just relying on fifth hand reports, you shouldn't be adding fuel to a fire, small, nonexistent or otherwise.
  21. Because, sadly, that is the way people's minds work. They will see all greyhounds as coming from situations where they "have been taught to kill and rip apart" small animals and hence nothing is safe around them. As I typed this I recalled a situation from not all that long ago. An acquaintance of mine had a little Maltese puppy who wasn't well. I told him to try her with chicken. "Oh no," he said. "Once she is fed that she will chase birds."
  22. I'm sure many Greyhound owners must be feeling as you are Brandiandwe. :( Too awful for words. But as to the part I've highlighted, surely you must have known that a lot of these horrible practices are rife in the industry? These sorts of exposures to a lesser degree have been aired many times over the years.
  23. Best practice = how little can we do but still make lots of $$$$ I don't believe anything will happen. There will be a bit of noise, some "show trials" and then it will be back to normal. The only way the cruelty will stop is if the sport was banned entirely. And that isn't going to happen (although it should). You can't tell me that any sort of regulatory body or the RSPCA doesn't know fully that these practices are going on. They could have been stopped at any time in the past decades.
  24. Thank you Ladies. I think he is a bit cute LOL. He is going around licking the floors now , something that he has only started to do on the odd occasion in the past couple of months. These oldies sure keep the worry levels high.
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