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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. There never was such a rule in my house. In the beginning the dogs were too little (Maltese) to get onto the couch. When I brought Danny home (from a pound), he was so damned excited that I think he spent about the first hour leaping from chair to couch to chair, etc etc etc. But, I have to say, Ronin would enhance any couch. :laugh: :laugh:
  2. And we wonder why dogs are allowed in so few places. OWNERS OWNERS OWNERS. (And all odds and sods of people who think they are dog trainers are doing even more harm.) Ronin is such a fabulous dog, it would be horrible to see any of that taken away by irresponsible people Sonny Boy sounds a wonderful dog, Gruf, with a beautiful temperament. (Any pix )
  3. Pot head I prophesy that that will be THE look at next Melbourne Cup Fashion Parade.
  4. She is being shared on FB as I recognise the photo. Hopefully she will end up in a loving and just the right kind of home.
  5. How shocking and upsetting for you. Poor darling Feather. Good idea to go back to your previous vet.
  6. Oh, Doberkids, I am sorry to read this and send you deepest condolences. Your description of her passing "with grace and dignity" demonstrates the immense love and care you had for your beautiful Bindi. She will be in your hearts forever.
  7. I am now helping the retirement funds of BM Animals and Loyalty Pets in Brisbane. I'll look up the Kefir link, thanks Kajtek. I'll probably keep buying it ready made as I am incredibly lazy. :o
  8. Mine are certainly in well sealed plastic bags and I don't really know how any smells could escape. Maybe I am losing smell as well as hearing :( I have decanted into plastic, well sealed lidded containers. The little strips of Munch Crunch green tripe weren't a success except for Fatso Fatso Bunter Boy.
  9. OMG, those photos Kirty. Totally brilliant.
  10. I was talking about Danny (my sister calls me a bore and she only sees me every few years) on another thread and decided it was a good enough excuse to come in hear and give an update. We seem to have settled into a routine of good days and bad days and when we have bads days, I try not to get too worried. Danny's eye has healed well, saw the surgeon yesterday and next appointment is in six weeks. She said there is practically no sign of the crystalisation that was there previously. She was concerned that because she didn't want to risk a GA, she might not have been able to get it all. But so far so good. My experience with this veteriary hospital has not been without its dramas because of poor communication and poorly trained/not thinking receptionists - see #491. Over the weeks since the operation I have had to leave messages for the surgeon (she did say to contact her direct and gave me her mobile) which have gone unanswered, messages given to reception which have not been passed on and yesterday was no exception. I was running late because of traffic lane changes on Pacific Highway, so I rang to say I was running a few minutes late. I don't know why I do this: I am ALWAYS kept waiting. In any case, I was only about 5-10 minutes late, checked in and told to take a seat. After 1/2 hour, I approached the receptionist and she said that surgeon wouldn't be too long, she was just finishing another procedure and knows I am here. Cut a long story short, I was eventually seen after waiting over an hour. First of all I was seen by an opthamology nurse who kept on muddling the information about the various drops I was giving Danny, and when the surgeon finally, probably after another 15 minutes, arrived she said she had been told I had cancelled. Does everyone go through these dramas or do I seem to attract them? Anyway on the tummy and eating side, Danny still throws up from time to time, I have learned not to give him anything to eat in the morning - which is difficult because I have to syringe his meds in and some of them taste awful. Only once in the past few weeks has he had a throw up with consisted of undigested food, so I consider that an improvement. I generally give him his meds in a bit of bone broth and if he throws that up he will most time lick it back up again. He will occasionally come for a walk and he enjoys himself when we are out- very slow and quite short walks these days now that we no longer have dynamo Myrtie. He is happiest when I am lying on the couch reading or watching TV or on the easy chair. He then can be doing his two favourite things at the same time: sleeping and being in close contact with me. LOL. Bunter has recovered well after his drama and operation. Wound healed perfectly with no infections, torn stitches or other such things. He is too fat, like his mama, and I really have to try harder I simply cannot sing the praises of Valbitz loudly enough or long enough for putting me onto BM Animals - I really credit her and their goodies and supplements for saving Danny's life. Someone along the way also suggested Lactose free milk. That too has been a godsend. I am now giving all the dogs the supplements and dried powdered foods from BM Animals in their meals and even Gussy Cat enjoyed Danny's "Shake" of bone broth, kefir, powdered dried pancreas and powdered green tripe this morning :laugh: . I hope she doesn't start barking. Maybe I should start having some ????
  11. Dear Dogs - I love Danny too :laugh: :laugh: As I type on my iPad at my dining room tabel, he is sitting in a bed at my feet having a little groom. I don't want to take the focus of this thread away from Henrietta and Gracie, but because it is about Health and Nutrition :D ...... I am building a shrine to Valbitz who put me onto BM Animals goodies and supplements and whoever first suggested Lactose Free Milk. I did scroll through looking for whoever that was, but couldn't find it. The BM Animals goodies have food and supplements which Danny will always eat and he will always have a lap of Lactose Free Milk. So with these, Danny is maintaining his weight and obviously helping his gut to enable him to eat other foods. So hopefully my singing these praises will help other people with old and not so well dogs.
  12. Your post, blonde, and this one reduced me to tears. I also echo what Persephone has said re feeding him things to keep his weight up. If you have to go out, maybe put him in a smaller room or an enclosure of some description where, if he does have difficulty getting up, he has something firm and gripable under his feet and doesn't struggle to get up so he can go walkabout? Have a look at two websites I've been recommended lately with regard to natural goodies and supplements for dogs with or without health problems: BM Animals in Melbourne Loyalty Pets in Brisbane
  13. WOW!! My order from Loyalty Pets arrived today. The dogs have had only the Roo Chews so far and loved them. I have Roo Ribs and Munch Crunch Pure Tripe (freeze dried strips) to try yet. Bit concerned about opening the packet of tripe :laugh: :laugh: Might do that on the deck.
  14. Brilliant news :thumbsup: So happy for you. Have a wonderful time away.
  15. Your little dogs are obviously terrified of that great big beastie. Is that your back garden, CC? It's fabulous.
  16. Yeah well you can take the girl outta Gosford but you can't take the Gosford outta the girl :laugh: Ha ha ha ;) If you've got it !!! flaunt it!!! Ain't nothin' like a Gosford gal.
  17. Well Maddie obviously failed the June Dally Watkins School for young ladies.
  18. LOL - leaping sideways. Naturally, I had to take another look at that beautiful photo of Arkie. You know, I think that his ears are at different semaphore points LOL just add to its magic, really.
  19. There must be something wrong with my nose LOL. I can't smell it until the jar is opened, although I have yet to try the freeze dried. But then, I've always wondered what people are on about with the smell of expressed anal glands. For sure I wouldn't wear it as a perfume :laugh: :laugh: , but it wasn't bad enough to have me gagging. :o
  20. You've just cost me $60, Sheena. I had to check out Loyalty's website ........ and the rest, to be very original, is history. A whole kilo . I would decant small amounts into an airtight jar and keep the main bag wrapped in a few layers of plastics bags.
  21. :laugh: :laugh: Just keep it in a tightly sealed jar. I use those Moccona Coffee jars because they have airtight seals.
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