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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I was lying in bed this morning thinking of a little boy who died over four years ago. They are all unique and never forgotten. Lillychops and lot of over the Bridge.
  2. I wonder if Layla has a Tigger in her life?
  3. K, what beach is that? I thought you lived in the country. Fabulous photographs as always.
  4. I have no first hand experience, just from reading here and other places over the years. It sounds just awful. But fortunes rest on horse racing outcomes . . . and that was a long time ago. Doesn't have to be fortunes - two words: Greyhound Racing.
  5. No no no no no!! You are being a vital link in the chain that leads a dog from lost to homed.
  6. They look as though the are on the road to a great friendship and life together.
  7. As soon as I saw it, I thought it must have been one of Huga's designs :) . Love it. I'm really enjoying seeing women of all ages in "frocks" again. So feminine and so much more suitable for an Australian summer than suits.
  8. Something I would also stress, stress and restress to people who adopted from me in the dim distant days when I was involved. No matter what happens, no matter the cause.
  9. Hazy are you going to try to update this thread with what happens to the dogs you feature? Just curious as we all like a good news story.
  10. Christmas in Australia CC. :laugh: :laugh:
  11. My dogs wouldn't have a bar of Black Hawk either. I don't know if you have ventured into my thread on Danny ("What food can your dog not resist"), but in it I mentioned that I found a suggestion by Trinabean in another thread about Natural Balance Delicate Care. After much trial and error with just about every suggestion DOLers made, I have found that Danny will eat a small meal of this pretty well every night. It is a veterinary supplied product, so just google so find a vet near you who supplies it. The vet I found (not my usual one) gave me a sample packet to try, so you don't have to buy some and then find your pet won't eat it. Good luck. Oh, also found that Danny will eat Royal Canin cans. It does smell good, so that might tempt Jolie as well - although I know you are looking for a kibble :D
  12. Even after all these years, I still get chills and stomach churning when I think of the long desperate days before we knew he would pull through. I hope we will be celebrating his birthday for many more years. :heart:
  13. Brilliant!! Love hearing the good news. I've just read about Cho Cho on PetRescue. What a darling she sounds and hopefully she will soon have her own home where she can tame the whipper snippers and have tea cake in the cool of the afternoon.
  14. Well you'll certainly get flamed by me!! From being too nice :laugh: :laugh: What a stupid woman. She needs to check a few stats. I wish I'd been there. I would have been very vigorously :clap:
  15. Hey, Benny !! :birthday: Big Beautiful Boy. You are looking great and I imagine it won't be long before you are sporting a very smart Green Collar. Much from Mooch City.
  16. You don't "socialise" any dog to get them put up with larger pups that overwhelm them. The saddest thing here is that the little dog's owner failed to step in before the dog had to become snappy. I don't find anything remotely funny about it. :mad I missed the "It was funny," bit. And now i am angrier and sadder than ever for that little dog. As Haredown Whippets says: they is nothing remotely funny about it. That dog will end up a nervous wreck barking at a leaf blowing and probably be a nightmare to walk so never taken out. And whose fault will that be?
  17. If a tablet made a dog of mine stagger like a drunkard, no way would I be giving him or her that dosage ----- no matter what the vet or others said. Read any of the threads about medications in Off Topic and you will have people swearing by the efficacy of something and then someone else saying it made them sick. There are any number of stories like that. Dogs are no different.
  18. That makes me so angry ...... for the little dog. In the hands of someone who didn't put stupid labels on dogs and cared a bit more, Fred would probably be fine. Poor little dog is destined to have a very unsettled life.
  19. Message just came into my FB that he has turned 14. :birthday: to Leo - an incredible spirit saved by an amazing family. Still brings tears to my eyes and flutters to my stomach.
  20. Thanks T. Will do, when he has finished "digging to China" through a doggy mat.
  21. :mad :cry: As if Danny didn't have enough to contend with. He'd been licking himself a bit and I thought maybe he was itchy from the grass. So I checked him out and saw puss coming out of his penis. This was yesterday and as I already had an appointment for a follow up with Bunter and wanted Jeune checked over as well, I took Danny instead of Jeune. OMG. I'll have nightmares forever watching the vet wash out his penis with a latex "needle" and saline. The muck just poured out. Danny, as always, behaved perfectly and just took everything in his stride. Unfortunately, he is now on yet another medication (Antibiotics) which he has thrown up each time. So back to the vet this afternoon for a long lasting injection. My poor boy. He is looking older by the day. :cry: Just because - LOL - in happier days:
  22. I'm going a bit OT, but I know Yonjuro won't mind :D Mumsie your post interested me because of my experience with a tiny little rescue dog of mine, Myrtie. Because of her extreme reactivity, I decided join a dog training club simply to try the "flooding" method. Well, she didn't bat an eyelid. We walked into this large park where the training was held, dogs everywhere, all sorts and all sizes and I honestly expected Myrtie to either die of fright or start a stampede. Neither. Her insouciance was amazing, almost embarrassing LOL. I also found the same when I took her to a dog park. I was waiting for my Pink Slip so decided to walk to the nearby dog park. I chatted for a while through the fence while Myrtie ignored all the other dogs and just sniffed around. When I finally bit the bullet and went inside -- same thing. She totally ignored all the other dogs and just sniffed around to her heart's content. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to do much dog training with her as she died of Pulmonary Hypertension in the middle of last year. I always believed that Myrtie's reactivity was caused through fright and, because she was a brave little thing, her attitude was: I'm going to get you before you get me. And it didn't matter the size of the dog. Despite this, she was the best little dog at home, full of vip and vim and lots of personality.
  23. No way, Kirislin. That is too much. I had valium for Myrtie to settle her when there were really bad electrical storms. She was 3.6kg and I would give her a quarter of a tablet. In no time, she'd be fine without any affects such as grogginess or being unsteady on her feet. I think to overdose is cruel because dogs can get very upset when they are unsteady and don't know which way is up and the problem may be being compounded. I started using valium for Mrytie when visiting my brother during a storm and he asked his wife if she'd given their dog his valium. That dog was about 8kgs and he would get half a tablet. For something like Feather is experiencing it is better to start off small and increase rather than the other way around. If someone is in chronic pain, sure, give a big dose, but for anxiety or similar, I believe you should start off with the lowest dose and increase if there isn't an improvement.
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