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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. While I love all the photos and stories, I have to admit that photos and stories of Princess Turdburger set me up for the day.
  2. Rainy Day Rescue appeared in my News Feed a while ago and I have to admit that it is one of my favourites. Mrs Rainy Day sounds quite an extraordinary character (and her comments often leave me scratching my head :laugh: :laugh: ) and I read her comments and stories about the dogs with great pleasure and sympathy.
  3. Mill (as in till) a Shame we don't learn phonetics these days. Explains all pronunciations.
  4. She is beautiful, brightstar, and so are you :thumbsup: Don't be in too big a hurry to rehome her, she has been through such a lot. FWIW :laugh: :laugh: , I like Milla too.
  5. So good to hear positive happy stories. A very diverse household :thumbsup: People walked past my house the other day (I was out the front gardening) with a Keeshound puppy. Lovely good natured little dog.
  6. Ha ha ha - people can forget that it doesn't matter how small they are, they are still dogs. Lovely story. Go COMET !! It is worse when they are small and old !! All your balancing techniques will be called into play. :laugh: :laugh:
  7. They are looking great, Canetoad. How is Jonah healing? Must be doing well as he is out of his chariot.
  8. Oh, beautiful boys, Valbitz. Love Davey (couldn't help myself - had to change his name).
  9. I really shouldn't look at this thread. I am at the computer in my study, surrounded by all the elderlies (except Jeune who is playing Greta Garbo on the deck) and having a massive internal fight. :(
  10. And an extraordinary determination. This story highlights the many times I wish dogs could talk to us and tell us why they are doing something.
  11. Ha ha ha - I noticed that, but couldn't think of anything pithy to say. You have def nailed it. :laugh: :laugh:
  12. :thumbsup: I just hope whoever is to Chair the inquiry hasn't had anything to do with the Lost Dogs Home and doesn't call him/herself a "Whisperer" .
  13. Deepest condolences to you and your mum. Farewell, Micha and run free.
  14. Re your last para: you are obviously a responsible kennel owner who recognises your limitations for the good of your business and your clients and that is an excellent way to operate. From all the stories posted here over the years, there are some that don't understand that and, as well, any industry has its good and bad players.
  15. Don't know who to admire more: Kirislin for her amazing photographic skills, or Arkey whose beauty and agility are so brilliantly captured by K.
  16. :cry: I'm so sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will heal well and speedily.
  17. This sort of thing makes me so angry. So much plain laziness and lack of care ANYWHERE today. I am very sorry you have had to experience this. As others have said, I would certainly be challenging having to pay the vet bill.
  18. That's what a lady who used to work at Renbury said, many moons ago, when I range about a little girl :laugh: :laugh: Sigh. All over now. Have four elderly dogs, one elderly cat and one elderly owner. I just watch and hope these days.
  19. Gypsy is so 100% my kind of little dog. I wish finances (and emotional resources) weren't in such a parlous state - I would be in the car going to get her. I am sure she will be very quickly adopted by my many dopplegangers LOL.
  20. Tigger: Don't go to the end of the park, mate. There's a madman with a camera. Ronin: Don't care - just play with me.
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