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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Yonjuro, as others have said, $1,500 raised is fantastic. And it isn't about just the money - it is about raising awareness and education. You probably did this, but if you didn't, for the next time, plan on having flyers to hand out and cork boards/sandwich boards pinned with information sheets and flyers about the dogs available for adoption. And don't be afraid to stand up with a mike and spruik. I used to bury all my inhibitions and shyness at doggy days.
  2. Thanks, Rappie. I'm glad you are a vet and not a ninja :) . A ninja would not have known that
  3. I will be seeing the vet on Tuesday, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone knew if Aminyllin can cause diarrhoea like poos? Bunter has been on Aminyllin for a while now and a week or so ago, just out of the blue he started having very sloppy poos. I thought it was his diet, so reverted to what he'd been getting for a couple of years - VAN and raw meat and occasional treats of roo jerky or dried roo bones. This hasn't made any difference and the deck this morning was from a horror movie Luckily it was all on the deck and not in the house. And luckily the sun is finally out so the deck can dry out from the scrubbing it's been given. Good thing you are cute, Bunter !!
  4. Stunning pup. I've seen an RR pup grow up walking around my neighbourhood and she is the most delightful dog. Good genes and good owner :) :)
  5. Mojo is looking fantastic for an older dog and obviously had been shockingly neglected previously. I find it hard to believe that someone who would be inspired to take on an old, big dog knowing the chances of having much more than a year with him to give him all the love and comforts deserved would be put off by a price tag.
  6. Hugs, Lhok. No we never forget them, even those who have been gone for many years.
  7. Maybe Gumtree could set out some requirements ?
  8. I know, I'm sorry, SM. I am rubbing salt into my wounds too. I should not go anywhere near stories like this one. :cry:
  9. http://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2015/04/02/heartbroken-rabbit-refuses-leave-dead-mates-side/
  10. We could say this about anything to do with human wants/needs/desires, really. Money is god and anything that stops people making money is evil. I am still amazed when I see supermarket trolleys laden with goods all packed into plastic bags. You'd have to be blind and dumb and never listen to anything to know the damage these do to wild life. This example could be spread over just about everything we do. As a species (not speaking for those who spend their lives trying to help others and animals), I think we are incapable of thinking past our own comfort and appetites.
  11. I haven't linked the Care2 petition in case I violate DOL rules, but a petition has been started to stop the sale of animals on Gumtree. People may be interested to sign.
  12. I reckon it is the luck of the draw. Honestly I do. Of course if an animal or person gets sick and then looks into diet, exercise, yoga, whatever, that can change things. But in terms of why some people/animals live long lives is pure luck and a helping of good genes.
  13. The thought of Ronin in a handbag has me smiling through my tears, this morning.
  14. Kirty, you sure know how to get yourself into "situations". :) Often the way with very loving people. As Stressmagnet says - ease into it. In fact, I know I am going agaist the consensus here, but I would be inclined to hold off a little on the lunge and bite at your daughter. Leave that until the rest has sunk in and your friend has some idea of her dog's stress levels. It sounds as though she might be in a bit of denial about how her behaviour impacts her dog. Good luck. You must have been horrified when the dog bit your daughter and I am so glad it wasn't worse. Poor dog. A full on distressed dog whose behaviour is erratic because of it is a very sad thing to see.
  15. Oh gawd!!! Luckily dirt seems to just fall off those coats. :rofl:
  16. Thanks Yonjuro. I've been out for a couple of hours and I did consider taking Danny with me, but felt he would be better off left at home where he would just sleep. When I came back, he was like a spring chicken again: literally leaping around me and as happy as could be. I'd refreshed my supplies of roo jerky and so gave them all a piece and he wolfed it down. So obviously feeling better than this morning. Cup of tea and a cake for me. :o
  17. Bit of an update. We struggle on, but I am beginning to wonder what I am doing. For about the past three weeks, not a day has gone by that Danny hasn't thrown up three to four times. I have gone back to keeping a daily record, because I tried cutting back on the number of times I gave him his medications to give him a bit of relief, but that didn't seem to make any difference. Sometimes his body language is enough to make me want to slit my wrists, but then something happens and up goes the tail, off to the front door or down the back to investigate and he will come prancing back like a two year old. And then the tail sinks, he half turns his body away from me and absolutely epitomises the expression "hang dog look". He still wants to come for a walk most days - if he doesn't want to, he won't come to the side gate from where we leave. And, something totally new, when we are out walking, he often prances on ahead. He used to absolutely stick to my side whenever he wasn't sniffing or peeing. He keeps looking back to check I am there and will do the old circle around behind me and then off to the front again. All the dogs are now happily curled up in their beds in the lounge, but as soon as I move (computer on the dining room table), he will get up and follow me. So I am sure one of the problems is that he exhausts himself. Just having a little bit of "poor Danny - poor me" session. I don't think there are any solutions, but if someone can recommend a good "gut" specialist (NOT SASH), I would welcome the information. I keep going back to my vet, but he no longer has any suggestions or ideas.
  18. As much as I am loath to admit it because I do know how agism is alive and well in all corners, I am nearly 70 and cannot see what age has got to do with it. It annoys me when people play on it to get sympathy or special treatment. All my dogs are elderly and there is no way on earth that I would allow them to suffer because "I couldn't or wouldn't see it." I estimate that my dogs and Gussy Cat will all start crossing the bridge during the next 5 to 7 years and when that has happened, if I am still around, I don't plan on being dogless. I will be a foster carer for the oldies. :D :D Having heaved that off my chest, my thoughts are with you Kiska, Darien.
  19. Admittedly, my walk is more of a slow plod with 4 elderlies and I wear my gardening shoes (Sloggers) with socks. They are backless so I don't think they'd be any good if your walk was more of a run and play. But you can get full shoes in the same brand. I love mine as they just sit on the deck and I can slip them on easily and go ...... and arrive home with dry feet. Or maybe even ankle height wellies. Some time ago when I went to Tasmania I bought a pair of Rockport XCS and they were brilliant. Even after walking through snow and very wet undergrowth, my feet would still be dry and warm. I used to wear them in winter when I was a volunteer dog walker at a pound. Great shoes which show absolutely no signs of wear on the soles.
  20. What does GOT mean. I need some edumacation today.
  21. OMG - I hope that is a "before" photographs and they have cleaned her up since. Why to people not clean up a poor little dog immediately? :mad
  22. 4 elderly dogs, 1 elderly cat and one very elderly human make up this household. My "puppy" is 11 and a half I hope this thread is shared and spread far and wide to give the Saturday Seniors more chances. The homes are there, they just need to be found. :)
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