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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I've never been told about this syrup exists . Hopefully Miss Mini is feeling better.
  2. That will be a photo to treasure, Westiemum. Just lovely.
  3. Strange looking understudy! Is he a brown sheep dog?
  4. This one of the things that makes it so hard, physically and emotionally. We are constantly preparing ourselves for the worst and suddenly we have a little creature skipping and spritely and chowing down on goodies. (Off topic, Westiemum, but I once called a little rescue dog Spritely. Great word and name )
  5. I am sure they will have a lovely time with Granny. And it will be a rest for you knowing they are in good and loving hands. It will be good for you to get another's opinion. :grouphug:
  6. If that was the case I would expect him to have issues towards the end of a walk but thats not the case, the 3 legging can be at any time and its not every time, this whole thing is totally random Pain can be random. And the holding up of a leg or running on three legs can be a habit formed from when a dog was in pain.
  7. Do you think he is suffering, Westiemum? You seem to do so well with your medicating. He might just actually fade away through the night like darling Ness did. It just tears at our hearts.
  8. Have a look at Canetoad's thread "The Chronicles of Jonah". Tigger has a doppleganger. (From Post #170.)
  9. OMG - I read about the further adventures in your other thread Not good. Hopefully your hand is healing well. But those photos, that spot, those dogs having so much fun :thumbsup: You should take a look at Yonjuro's thread about Ronin and Tigger. Tigger and the grey in your photos look so alike.
  10. Dear little Mac. It is good that you know how to medicate to make him feel better.
  11. Makes the comment about the puppy having seizures in its sleep because its legs are twitching even worse.
  12. Great pics as always and that video! Long before smart phones were at our finger tips and I sure regret that being the case, I was home with my two dogs, a friend had left her four to mind, and two were visiting from next door. All the same breed - Maltese. So there I was with 8 Maltese and decided to put on some Opera. Some of them would have given Ronin a run for his money in the howling stakes and the funniest, because she was the smallest, was my little female, Calypso who tipped the scales and 2kgs ringing wet and there she was with her nose to the ceiling absolutely channeling her wolf ancestors.
  13. It may not work, but if that puppy had been bred by me, I would be on their doorstep with the refund money in cash to hand over to try to get the dog back.
  14. Hmm, have to play devil's advocate here. If they really loved this puppy, they would be falling over themselves to have it checked at the breeder's vet. And for people to say that a puppy is having seizures because it moves its feet in its sleep. OMG, :eek: I would be trying every which way to get that puppy back.
  15. Goodbye Emmylou - you were much loved and your passing has left a huge hole in people's lives. :rainbowbridge:
  16. Aha!! Adelaide Blue Cheese on my shopping list ......... FOR ME !! Mind you I don't need ABC to initiate a snooze. Your post put a smile on my face, westiemum, visualising your precious Mr Mac snoozing and snuffling and snoring.
  17. I've had a bit of experience with eye operations so have come to know that after injury or surgery, the whites of eyes remain red and inflamed for a long time, so it isn't alway and indication of how bad an injury might be. If Luka isn't bothered by it, maybe it is safe to wait and see.
  18. Poor Luka and you, Teekay - always something going wrong with out loved ones. I imagine Luka's eye is pretty bruised and probably burst blood vessels. In a similar situation, I would not hesitate - straight off to the vet. However, your situation is complicated by Luka's fear. Why don't you call the vet, perhaps get a valium dose and organise a visit to your home. I know valium doesn't work for everyone and I have used it only on one of my dogs who used to get really afraid when storms were brewing, but you could be guided here by your vet. I wouldn't leave it, though.
  19. As Tassie said: wishing you strength and comfort on this sad day. Emmylou will be in the arms of love.
  20. Oh my goodness - that is soooooooooooo funny. Go Tigger - you look very special :thumbsup:
  21. He looks a deal little soul all ready to go and make someone very happy.
  22. Bone Broth and Lactose Free Milk have been my - and I am pretty sure Danny's - saviour.
  23. My thoughts are with you and Emmylou.
  24. If you have absolutely no choice but to go back to classes, perhaps you could find someone to stay in your house through the day: a friend, relative, or even another student who doesn't have classes, but can study through the day. Another thought (although this would be disruptive and possibly could be painful and distressing for Emmylou), perhaps take her each day to your vet for the day.
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