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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Awwwwww - where's my tissue Lovely lovely.
  2. Golly gosh, DDD. I should hope not! You know how they have thrived with your love and nuturing. :laugh: :laugh: VM. I guess I can be mum and grandma rolled into one and even old enough to be great grandma. Westimum's mum sounds soooooooo good though. You'll have to let her know she has a fan club, Westiemum.
  3. Hey, I'm Johnny Depp. I can do what I like. I am very famous. :mad He has wilfully and knowingly broken the law. No sympathy for him, only for the dogs. Johnny, you may be famous. But you are acting like a certain part of your body, a d**k head. (soz, DDD...x) I totally agree, VM. And that is what I meant.
  4. Hey, I'm Johnny Depp. I can do what I like. I am very famous. :mad He has wilfully and knowingly broken the law. No sympathy for him, only for the dogs.
  5. My dogs bark at everyone, but different depending on who it is.
  6. It has taken a long time to find a regime that suits him, LG, and if I hadn't had so much input from DOL, we wouldn't have progressed. Poor little man, but :crossfingers: he will be okay for a while yet. At his age, I would expect set backs from time to time,
  7. I want your mummy :cry: My dogs have never had a grandma. They'll be reporting me for neglect.
  8. :o Glad I am not alone. Even though the temps were plummeting last night, I opened all the kitchen windows. It is now all done, strained and in the frig. Westiemum, at this stage, I wouldn't be putting Mac through a GA for his teeth. Too risky. Having seen how badly Danny was affected last October, it is something I won't subject my dogs to unless absolutely necessary. GA, I mean. I understand the necessity of dentals and how bad teeth can make a dog feel really sick.
  9. Rappie when I questioned the number of times he was medicated with the woman at SASH, she more or less said that I was unable to give Danny the care he needed. He was terribly sick and he was on about 4 meds three times a day !!! I ended up putting in a long report about her to the hospital administration. I was in constant touch with my vet about my concerns that the regime was too much for him and if it hadn't been for CavNrott's insistence that I question the Zantac, I wouldn't have had the impetus to question it. It is a question of not knowing that there is something to know. However, the situation is so much better now. We've had one large throw up through the night a couple of nights ago, but it was my fault (again!!). He obviously wasn't very hungry, but I kept on giving him his syringes of "shake" through the day. The next day, I gave him only a bit of food and only if he was interested. Back to normal today with a couple of ordinary food meals and his shake. It was funny when we went out for our morning walk today. We exit by the side gate where I have all their leads hanging. If he doesn't want to come on the walk, he hangs right back, but this morning, he was pushing against the gate. That makes me happy. Sensibly, he didn't even come downstairs when we went for the afternoon one ---- it was freezing.
  10. I missed this of a few days ago, :laugh: . I remember my first little dog who had a breath that I'd say could stop a train. She wasn't a strong or well little one and at died at 3 and a half of congestive heart failure. So if they don't have gum/teeth disease, I think it is almost inevitable that elderly failing dogs will have bad breath. Yesterday I was lying on the couch surrounded by dogs and became aware of an awful smell. It wasn't bad breath and I thought someone had decided to let some perfume out of the rear end. Turned out to be the bone broth simmering away on the stove . Yuk, it is an awful smell, but I am a vegetarian so the smell of meat cooking is always a bit confronting. Only a few hours of simmering left.
  11. :rofl: Have you ever considered stand up comedy ??
  12. How lovely, WM. Can really relate :thumbsup:
  13. Totally agree with Persephone here. I can understand how you want to check that he can keep something down, but you are just adding to whatever discomfort is already there. Let him settle. Hopefully nothing serious and just a bit of feeling not so good.
  14. Dear Anna - most of us would understand, I think, that desperate horrible ache of empty arms. :grouphug:
  15. I wasn't going to be the first to say anything, but this was my immediate thought particularly when Better Late said Bonnie was their first dog. Very sad for everyone concerned really.
  16. Well didn't mould in petri dishes lead to penicillin? He's on good drugs :laugh: :laugh: Love great granny's rug - just beautiful, as are the little whitey babies on it.
  17. I feel so bad about that and have to thank you for pushing it and enabling me to hold my ground with the vet. Yes indeed: tail UP and food DOWN
  18. This would be my choice. If there's no lock on the door you can be guaranteed at least a couple of drunks will go in there. This is what I have been wondering, too. No way would I be leaving her in a room that couldn't be locked. Party drinking/unlocked door/stressed dog = recipe for disaster. I cannot imagine that you would be able to relax or enjoy yourself for one second and I think you and your partner need and deserve to be able to enjoy yourselves.
  19. I've just fed the tribe and decided to update this because, due to help and advice from knowledgeable and caring DOLers, Danny's days are so much better. I hope I am not jinxing Danny, but he is doing really really well. In fact, today, for the first time in MONTHS, Danny has had two "ordinary food" meals. Since the huge scare of his losing 500 grams, I have watched every morsel very very carefully to ensure that whatever he eats, he keeps it down. The combination of a change in his meds and a religious adherence to food regime has seen such a change in him; I feel sick when I think of the months before this when he was suffering so badly. One of the best things, I am sure is the cessation of 3 lots of horrible Ranitidine a day each of .6ml down to .25mls twice a day of not too bad Famotidine. He hated the Ranitidine and I hated having to give it to him. I make up his "super shake" every couple of days and try to syringe about 90-100mls of that per day. I drop it down if he eats a decent sized meal as he has this evening and at breakfast. He is a little old man, though, and his need to keep me in view is as obsessive as ever, but sometimes when I look around and he isn't there, I'll find him downstairs sniffing around, tail up and just doing a normal little dog pottering about. And most days he comes for at least one of my two walks. If he doesn't want to come, he hangs back from the side gate and the welcome I get when we arrive home brings out his puppyhood. So -- all goes well for the moment.
  20. Well, an evening could not end on a better note, Westiemum, so I am not going to read another thing :thumbsup: --- go Little Mac. Love you old man.
  21. A mere poke in the ribs. Naughty boy, smack smack. Disgusting :mad
  22. Outdoor shower. Of course, this doesn't solve the problem of the car :laugh: :laugh: Wipe down upholstery with cloth dampened in water and Eucalyptus Water Soluble Solution (Woolies or hardware shops). Mix some with water and put in a spray bottle. All the other products such as Glen 40, Nilodour, air fresheners have me just about hospitalised, but I use the Eucalyptus solution all the time. I add it to the washing machine when washing mats and dog bedding. It is lovely.
  23. Well I haven't checked the weather in Adelaide, but that would certainly sound very sensible here in Sydney. But then, whatever the weather, whatever the day or time, having a little doggy nose tucked under a chin sounds pretty damned good to me.
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