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Everything posted by wolfgirl

  1. Trading post comes out tomorrow, they usually have some runs in there
  2. Her loss not getting cuddles from your gorgeous girl
  3. Maybe that was the case years ago but now our particular area has gone downhill, lots of gangs of different nations roaming around and although we live in a quiet court we do get many cars cruising our court so my dogs are often out the front behind a fence where they can be seen. We have had a spate of cars being broken into the last couple of weeks a few houses down and one stolen from the start of the court only 3 weeks ago. Our front gates are locked at night and if someone comes close to our property we are alerted to that fact, I feel safe through the day with my dogs here as most of my neighbors work so often I am the only one around.
  4. Here is the followup to the story which first came out last week http://wyndham-leader.whereilive.com.au/
  5. I live in Wyndham and I reported at 6pm one night that a dog attacked my son whilst riding his bike home, we knew where the dog came from and I was told that unless the dog broke the skin and drew blood council would not be attending an after hours visit to us, my son's jeans were ripped and he was okay but very shaken and these dogs were out constantly and had quite a few complaints against them, four of them running as a pack, it took the rangers two days to come and speak to us at home. We have dogs at large everywhere here, people walk them offlead on main roads, they say they keep so much out of our dog registration for educating the people of Wyndham, obviously that isn't working so maybe they would be better off to put their time and effort into getting loose dogs off the streets rather than worry about dogs safely contained in secure front yards Oh and while they are at it they might like to maintain their bike tracks where the weeds are always stomach high before they cut them and maybe fix some of the main roads which are an absolute disgrace just a few important issues that could use some attention rather than trying to bring in pathetic revenue raising laws
  6. Can you put me down for a private lesson as well please
  7. Gorgeous photo's, Charlie looks like he had a wonderful time Charlie
  8. I take mine to Petstock, costs me a couple of dollars for each dog but I take my own shampoo and don't use the flea rinse and then towel them off take them home and put them outside with a nice big juicy bone while they dry fully then give them a good brush
  9. Just wanting to send good wishes for your girl, will keep her in my thoughts and hope the blood tests reveal what the problem is and it is nothing drastic
  10. I have a VX wagon and it is really roomy, easily fit 3 dogs in the back and accessories as well The new holden wagons are pitiful in their back area.
  11. It flew out the window with sense and sensibility I posted this in general never thought to post it in here nice how the article states we only have so long to object but on the council website there is nothing about it
  12. SP I totally agree with dogs not being left unsupervised in front yards. We went to great expense to have a front fence put in, we are at the end of a quiet court so my dogs are allowed out the front to chew on bones all the while I keep strict supervision on them though or I am outside with them. If they see someone coming close to our fence they will alert bark which is what I would expect them to do, they stop when told though and are never left there for long periods of time and not once have been in the front yard when a meter reader has come. The rest I honestly think is a joke, there are greater problems to be fixed
  13. Would be interested in people's opinions on this article http://wyndham-leader.whereilive.com.au/ne...n-barking-dogs/
  14. I just read this thread, poor Reg, sending good thoughts that he keeps improving. IG what a wondderful friend you are
  15. Bear is from Macklin, Linda is fantastic breeds beautiful dogs with wonderful temperaments
  16. Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel X3 Anishinaabe April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Becky Bella x3 Bit Blossom Bonny Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Chelsea Chloe x 2 Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Cristie Daisy x 3 Delilah Delta Dexta Diva Durham Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie x3 Emily Erin Faith Fanta Finta Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x 3 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi Holly x2 Honey Honour Jatz Jay Jay Jezebel Jodie Kara Kari Katie Kayla Kenzie Kirra Krissy Layla Lea (lele) Logan Lottie Lucy x3 Mable Maddy Marie Claudette Meg Merrique Miley Millie x2 Mischka Missey Molly Molly Coddle Moochie Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Onyx Paris Pearl Peggie Popcorn Prada Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby x2 Sabrina Sally x 2 Sascha Satu Shae Shandy Sheba Shine Sinta Skye Sophie Spook Stella Stimpy Storm Sue Tala Tara Tayla Teegan Tess Tia Tigga Tikaani Tilly TIlly Tinny (tin tin) Tori Trixie Tully Tyra Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Ziva Zoe
  17. Apollo Armand Bear Benny Brock Brockie Brody Charlie Cooper Cowan Dash Gandor Hudson Jack Juggie Kasper Kiba Lestat MacKenzie Milosh Mistral Payton Raffy Reeve Riku Rupert Shadow Sterling Storm Tazz Ulf Zephyr
  18. A few times I've been asked that or the other common one is he a wolf
  19. OMG what a horrible and scary thing to go through. Poor you and poor Sally Definitely report this lunatic woman to the council and hopefully they have her details and her dogs are registered
  20. Your boy is gorgeous and of course I am a bit biased being a black owner myself
  21. Yay welcome back Ambervale and Leo, have missed reading your beautiful posts
  22. Make up a mixture of Tea Tree Oil, Baby Oil and Dettol and rub over the ears, it works very well
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