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Everything posted by wolfgirl

  1. Shoemonster and Ed a big Congratulations to you both. Well done guys, very happy for you
  2. I take the wishbones out of the frames I give to my dogs
  3. Just wanted to say :D to Judi and Steve for a great day on Sunday. It was good to meet so many other dolers as well :D Shame I couldn't do the whole workshop but hopefully next time :p
  4. wolfgirl


    RIP Asher You are now free from suffering. Sorry for your loss Deep in our hearts A Memory is kept You May be gone But you'll never be forgotten.
  5. Harminee thank you so very much, that is just so beautiful. I showed my husband last night and he thought your work was amazing and wanted me to pass on what a wonderful thing you are doing I love it, thank you
  6. This is a picture taken back in March she and Gismo used to like to eat together.
  7. Harminee this is our Mooky, she came to us at 8 weeks of age in February 1986, she passed away April 12th 2008 at the grand old age of 22 years, we are still adjusting to her not being here, I think it will take some time. She was an amazing cat to hard to describe in words. The dogs are missing her terribly and also the galah who was her constant companion, he would follow her everywhere, he is still asking for Pusscat, he doesn't know where his friend has gone. This photo was taken on the Wednesday 3 days before she passed.
  8. So sorry for your sad news RIP Sammy Reading your goodbye was heartbreaking, Sammy had a very special and wonderful 8 years with you, the pain does lessen but we never forget
  9. I let my dogs walk in front as long as they don't pull on the leads. When we have to walk past people I call them into heel position and once past give them the release word to go back out in front. I figure it is to be enjoyable for them as it's their walk and whilst they are nice and calm happy for them to stroll in front of me.
  10. WG - I was talking about it to someone yesterday - she was checking up to see if Leo was still for sale ;) .... I had to laugh when she said - well - Leo had a cracker year last year... there really was only one way to go..... DOWN!!! :eek: Lets hope he doesn't get stuck down here though... The brags thread is more comfortable Maybe I should sell mine now and save all the embarassment
  11. I have loved reading all the stories and watching the video's in here, we're not even ready to trial yet but I think I'm going to be spending ALOT of time in this thread with my stories :rolleyes:
  12. I didn't realise it was so many dolers there, my dogs enjoyed the attention and the wonderful comments they got from everyone at the Conference ;) Wished I had of got some names to match posters.
  13. I am sure he is doing something - maybe that is it... I actually asked the vet, is there anything else that he is likely to get? The answer was, I don't think there is anything else he can get... I certainly hope not - he has had his fair share of illness. I am just glad that he picked me all those years ago - I am not sure how many people would actually keep forking out the dough that this lad has cost. Jodie wishing Ollie dog the best for his coming op, hope it all goes well for him. I think you were always destined to be together, you are like one Just think we would all be much richer dollar wise but the joy a dog can bring makes you the richest person on earth.
  14. I am so sorry to hear about Kaden Kaffy my heart goes out to you, know that you did everything you could and the bond of love will never be broken. God Speed Kaden :D
  15. Dianne you were an amazing lady and a beautiful soul who was always there to help anyone who asked for advice. You will be sadly missed by many people and dogs. Deepest Sympathy to Tony and family. Godspeed Dianne.
  16. Sending lots of hugs RIP Sweet Jaida
  17. Mine work best for Kabana, Hotdogs and Tasty Cheese
  18. When you say "run both my dogs on either side of me on a walkydog", do you mean you have two of them, one for each side of the bike? Yes two walkydogs and I find this method works really well for us.
  19. I haven't used a springer so comment on that but I run both my dogs on either side of me on a walkydog and it works well for us. You can set it so it is quite far back or they are level with you as it's adjustable.
  20. Zed you fought such a good fight my special boy your time here on Earth was short but the love you gave was endless. The world is a sadder place without the sparkle of those beautiful eyes. Run Free at the Bridge boy and go with lots of love. RIP Zed Godspeed Heather there are no words to express my sadness just know that you and your family are in my thoughts and I am sending lots of hugs to you. :D A 'SPECIAL PLACE' You have a special place Dear Lord that I know you'll always keep A special place reserved for dogs when they quietly fall asleep With large and airy kennels and a yard for hiding bones With maybe a little babbling creek that chatters over stones. With wide green fields and flowers for those who never knew about running freely under Your sky of perfect blue. Lord,I know You keep this Special Place And so to you I Pray, For one Special Rottweiler Who quietly died today he was full of strength & love and so very, very wise. The puppy look he once had Had since left his eyes. he is dearly missed my Lord By a very good friend of mine. he went to join his ancestors To Your land that is Devine So, speak to Zed softly please And give him a warm hello. He's a Special gift to you Dear Lord From Heather, who loved him so.
  21. Sounds like Zed had the perfect day, but sorry the rest just sucks and I hate to hear he isn't doing so good, but I admire you for all the care, love and devotion you have for your boy. It is never easy to watch someone you love go through these times and I can only ever come back to the saying everything happens for a reason sometimes we just don't understand what it is but never the less we don't have to like it either. Zed you are an amazing dog. Hugs to you all :D :D ;)
  22. cavNrottt I am so glad Sophie is enjoying her walks now the weather has cooled but it breaks my heart to hear that tumor is growing I wish it wasn't so but I know you and Sophie have so much love between you nothing will ever break that bond and I can only hope that Sophie keeps amazing us all with her fighting spirit. Sending you both lots of :D :D ;)
  23. I have the biggest smile on my face reading that, Oonga you described it so well I felt like I was there. I'm glad Zed and Maia got to spend such a beautiful heartwarming time together ;)
  24. Well it is good news, no sign of a brain tumor, brain inflammation or a brain injury. The specialist thinks the Hyperviscosity is a congential problem. Every test has come back in the normal ranges and they ran many extra tests her red blood cell count is up by 1% so we are at a loos to the cause. How is Sophie doing, I hope she is feeling not too bad and the tumor isn't progressing too quickly for you.
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