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Everything posted by wolfgirl

  1. Just popped in to check how Ollie is doing, sorry to hear about his toe Staffluv :rolleyes: Ollie is amazing isn't he, such a true fighting spirit that boy Keeping Ollie in my thoughts and prayers as always :rolleyes:
  2. Wolfgirl-Labrador/Pearl-Presidents Park Werribee - Waiting on new date to be set
  3. For those you are starting to train a walkydog attachment is a good device to get them use to running along by the bike, it gives you full control and teaches the dog it has to stay in place. Once you feel confident you can then progress to the lead. When we go riding I use the walkydog attachments, one dog on each side and run them both together as we have alot of loose dogs in our area and it makes it safer for us than if one of my dogs were to lunge at something. If I am only running one dog normally I just use the lead but most times I run them both together. Of course you can't use the attachments when running the ET but it is a good way of exercise and building up as well and both mine know the difference between when we use the attachment and the leads Oh and I just wanted to add I got Shimmer cuddles at Ballarat :rolleyes:
  4. My heartfelt condolences to you at this very sad time. I have followed Lucinda's story and the love and devotion you both shared came through your words on the computer and I thank you for sharing your journey with us on Dol. "In the Candle's Glow" Warm light coming from far below, Twinkling, sparkling is the candle's glow. All is well up on the ridge, The place we know as Rainbow Bridge. Furbabies sleeping in heaven's light, Tended by candles in the night. Peaceful dreams be theirs to keep, As they slumber in this night so deep. Hearts on earth that miss them so, Take comfort in the candle's glow. Watching for them in skies above, Bound eternally by a cord of love.
  5. Hi BDAG, Geelong, Vic would be interested in the weekend of 25-26 April. March 28-29 is the BDAG Flyballl Competition (Bellarine Dog Activities Group) I commence my Rally-O classes on Thursday. Have sort of set out the class structure as far as getting the members to learn the Rally-O signs and learn how to do the exercises. Have you any suggestions for me that you feel should be added to the class structure? Looking forward to the workshop Wendy BDAG Rally-O contact Just wondering if the date is definitely set for us Melbourne people???? Wendy have you started Rally O already???
  6. I have been reading this thread and both my two and the cats get Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel and Kippers in the can but would love to try some Salmon Heads and raw fish but first I have to ask a really silly question Do they eat the eyes in the Salmon Head :rolleyes:
  7. If you ever go to Utah again, go stay and volunteer there, my friend and I stayed there for a couple of days and worked/volunteered there, they have cabins you can stay in and each night you can bring a dog or cat home for an overnight stay. I helped out in the Cat, Bird and Dog sections and loved my time there and hope to go back again in the next few years. Alot of people come regularly and bring there dogs there while they volunteer I can't speak highly enough of Best Friends the work they do is amazing and they appreciate any help you can give.
  8. You can take her to one of the doggie swimming pools like Kepala and use their life jackets so she feels safe and thus she will learn to swim with the aid then once she has mastered it take the jacket off
  9. My two are in the same level class so each week I drop one back to a lower class and just go over the basics then change them over the next week so either dog doesn't miss out
  10. Yes you can, not sure about the Mangosteen as not alot of people have it. Just check the percentage rate as some of them are really low and try for organic also. When my mallie had Osteosarcoma I gave him the Noni Juice and it really made a huge difference, unfortunately it had hit his lungs so we knew we couldn't save him but at least his last few months his quality of life was good :p
  11. Thanks Erny I don't mind paying for my dogs but after reading this thread and recalling some prices in another thread from a while ago I realised he seems to be a bit overpriced. Will call some local vets tomorrow. He didn't seem keen on doing the testing and prefers to vaccinate but I honestly feel we are over vaccinating our animals and damaging their immune system so would rather test than vaccinate at this stage. Our club is also now going to start looking at accepting the testing as their are a few of us wanting to go down this path so when we start back hopefully they will have voted with a positive outcome. My doggies are always up for a road trip we love having day trips and going places so may look at doing this and getting the tests done where they seem a bit more reasonable.
  12. Wow he looks fantatic So glad to hear Beau is going well. Fish oil would be a good supplement to give, also sardines in oil are great for promoting healthy coats, you could also try one of the juice like Noni, Goji or Mangosteen to boost up his immune system after all he has been through :p
  13. Sorry to hijack the thread but my boy is due for his vacc's and when I asked my vet about titre testing he said he can do it but the cost will be $200.00 and I think this is a bit over the top so if anyone knows where in Vic (I am in Hoppers Crossing) I can get it done at a more reasonable price I would love the info :p ETA That price was only for Parvo and Hepatitis not Distemper
  14. Kepala is a boarding facility/training venue that some Melbourne DOLers use as a monthly meeting place. I haven't been out there but it looks great - PM i haz flava who organises the monthly meets for more details Apparently it has dog swimming pools, agility facilities, dog runs, bbqs etc. Miles from Albury BTW Yep it is about a 3.5 hour drive from Albury to Diggers Rest in Vic I know Kelpie-i has alot of their things there because the facilities are fantastic
  15. I am a definite for the Novice Class very interested in Rally. I was at Kepala yesterday and mentioned this to Dale who was very interested, this would be a great venue to hold the classes or seminars at in Vic.
  16. Aus Flava just let me know about Radar, sending lots of healing vibes to little Radar and hoping he improves through the night. Sending you lots of hugs and will be praying that the morning brings some positive news for you and the little guy
  17. Griff I am so saddened to hear Sinna has passed to the bridge, may the beautiful biddy run free Love and thoughts are with you
  18. Thanks for that heading off to the butchers this morning
  19. Really looking forward to this :rolleyes:
  20. Personally I think bathing once a week is too much, you are stripping the natural oils out of the coat so the skin is dry and flaking. I would be adding sardines with oil into the diet and suggest bathing only when necessary
  21. Another yes from Vic as well, very interested in this
  22. I'm so sorry to hear your very sad news :cool: RIP Beautiful girl This was sent to me when I lost my Mal in my Avatar From the Malamute Obituary Page I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep, I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "its me, I havent left you,I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here... I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, You were thinking of the many times your hand reached down to me.. I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore, I longed to take your parcel, I wished I could do more. I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care, I want to reassure you that Im not lying there. I walked with you toward the house as you fumbled for your key, I gently put my paw on you ,I smiled and said "its me"! You looked so very tired and sank into your chair, I tried sohard to let you know that I was standing there. Its possible for me to be so near you every day, To say to you with certainly "I never went away"! You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew...in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you..... The day is over...........I smile and watch you yawning, and say "goodnight, God Bless, I'll see you in the morrning"! And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we will stand side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see, Be patient, live your journey out, then come home, to be with me..........! AUTHOR UNKNOWN
  23. Yep she looks like a natural There is a Dol Kepala meet every month in the social section if you are interested
  24. Welcome and come and join us in the GSD thread, photo's are mandatory My black boy gets Nutro (which is no longer available but I have a big stock) chicken carcasses, turkey wings, lambs necks, lamb shanks, sardines, tuna, yoghurt, raw eggs with shell, turkey mince, vegies. Lots of raw meaty bones. With kibble sometimes it is a matter of trying a few to see which suits your dogs
  25. Sending lots of healing wishes to your brave boy and a big for you, you have both been through so much The smile in his eyes shows the deep bond and love you both share
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