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Posts posted by daniel83

  1. Is there a reason you dont let them inside

    I was wondering if maybe you let them in at night for a cuddle on the couch

    that is a bond bouiding excersise

    I have mine inside when ever I want them in, they also sit at the door and wait until invited in and inside we are quiet, it really gives you some great time together.

    Maybe you should think about this too

    As I type this my husband is laying on the floor saying hello to the doggies in thier nicknames and just giving them belly rubs and pats, just them time

    I am not saying you do but make sure you dont just leave your dogs in the back yard and only go to feed them. They are part of your family.

    Do they have many toys

    HAHAHAH yes they has about a million toys my girlfriend spoiles them:) they even have there on toybox:)

    I guess i was just brought up with dogs outside, i'm atching the footy now. i might bring them inside tonight

  2. they just wont come near me ill call them over for treats and walk over slowly with there heads down and kinda sit a little bit away from me they wont get to close . i can go to them, pick them up give them hugs,ect. but they still wont come to me when i call them.

    ohh, and i guess i should mention that when its me and my girlfriend or me and anyone else including strangers they come to me, lick me, all the normal kinda stuff its funny really there only scared of me when its just me noone else there

    And a little smack (i tried spraying them with water they licked it:) so i added vineger(a tip from the vet) ad they developed a taste for it ,licking the spray bottle) has stopped them both from digging holes/eating my roses /comming inside/barking/fighting(playing) with each other, well i guess you get the picture like i said there good dogs with no problems apart from them being scared of me

    thankyou everyone for your help !!

  3. Thanks Tyson is my rotti X

    his personality is to die for

    My husband plays great games with him and wrestles and plays chasey

    and just generally acts the goat Ty loves him cos Dad always means play time

    Do your dogs come inside

    No i don't let them come inside they know not to, it's funny when we feed them theyll sit at the open door and cry put a paw in the door and NO! and they put there heads down and slowly back up :) its funny how the new cattle dog kinda learns from the maltese they have very similer personalities

  4. A stern 'no' would achieve the same thing.

    Would you like someone who constantly smacked you?

    Stop smacking the dogs, start taking on some feeding duties. Spend time walking/patting/playing with them.

    You may find this will really help :)

    i walk them every day when did i say i constently smack them?

    ohh and I also feed them most of the time to

  5. If you really want help to get you dogs to love you

    then do a search of this forum on puppy training

    there is heaps of advice

    when you talk to you dogs try making your voice a bit higher and sound exciting, even though you may feel like a dick but it will work

    Rather than smack your dogs redirect their behavior to one you want,

    Also play exciting games with your dogs reward them with cuddles or treats

    Good Luck

    Thankyou for your help, beautiful dogs by the way I used to have a Rotti named tyson

  6. Hi, We have two puppies a maltese cross(1yr old but still a puppy) and a 3 month old cattle dog cross both are well behaved and fairly obedient dogs, but are both scared of me and i have no idea why, my girlfriend spoils them and im the one who usually tells them no and gives them a smack, I've tried everything i can think of , anybody got any idea's?

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