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Everything posted by flatchat

  1. That is very sad news. She was a lovely lady who used to run our show supplies van in Tassie. Nothing was too much trouble for her and Ian. Vale Trish!!
  2. Did she used to live in Tassie??
  3. Sounds like some rewards for us hard working committee!!!
  4. It is just beautiful!!! Thank you for all your hard work!!
  5. I feel for you and I think you did the right thing hard though it is. If someone owns dogs then it is their responsibility to make sure they are safe and cannot get out to damage or kill other animals or birds. Our dogs are locked in their runs if we are not here as we live in a farming area and I don't want to come home to find a dead dog.
  6. Would love to see a pic of the pink Elmer Fudd beanie Jed. Very happy that you are continuing to progress. I really hope 2011 is a great year for you!!
  7. Finally got some Teacup Flatcoats in Flatchat: And they're liver too!! Very popular colour at the moment!!
  8. So sorry to hear your horrible news!!! In time you will remember the good times. Thinking of you as it is never ever easy to say goodbye to a much loved dog!! :D
  9. Mine came yesterday and it is fabulous!! Thank you!! :D
  10. Steve mine hasn't arrived either. :D I paid via paypal not through the store as we are on wireless. I did it at the same time that I joined Pacers on 29 July.
  11. Haven't got mine yet either...was hoping it would be in the post box this morning but no....hopefully tomorrow!!
  12. Jed, we revamped our fire plans after I heard about your fire. We already had smoke alarms but now the torches are always in easy to get at places and the mobile is by the bed. We have leads in front of each crate. You are amazing to keep going to save your dogs despite what was happening around you and to you!!
  13. Great to hear that you are more mobile and that the new house is not too far away!! You mental strength just awes me!!! Love Phoenix, she is pretty. I like brindles.
  14. Thinking of you both!! Hold on to the good memories!!
  15. Great news!! Can't wait to get mine!! :D
  16. All of my dogs are awake and ready to go as soon as it starts to get light which with daylight saving in Tasssie in the middle of summer is about 4am!!!! Love the middle of winter when it is dark until after 7!!
  17. Woo Hoo!!! Good luck to mum and her new babies....hope all goes really well.
  18. Good food and good grooming will help his coat. I used to show and breed goldens before I got into flatcoats. He definitely needs some training so he knows what the boundaries are. I would add sardines and cooked egg to his diet a couple of times a week to help with his coat and maybe a daily tablespoon of cold pressed oil. Hope he has many happy years with you.
  19. Great description Jed and lovely photos!!!
  20. I only send one SAE for three different ownerships (me, me and OH and partnership), but I put all names on the envelope. Never had anyone complain.
  21. I would love it if you wrote a book Jed!!! You have a real gift!!
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