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Everything posted by tybrax
http://www.victimsofbsl.com/tango.htm Tango's story. Six long years of fighting for Tango's freedom. I would like to wish John and kylie the best of luck in the Supeme Court in the morning. tybrax.
No one is after your vote. It is fixed and in denial. tybrax
What are the none fighting lines? Wow!! my boy was Jeep tag.........lol Maybe you can give the name of the first fighting dog imported in Aus...
Total crap. You don't know anything about them. Dogs were bred to fight, but bred to be people safe. Fighting other dogs doesn't equate to attacks on people, never has, never will. No medium to large sized dog should be owned by idiots. There has never been a fatal attack by a pitbull in Aust. What does that tell you? Pitbulls are way down the attack list stats, even when they are numerically adjusted. Be frightened of cattle dogs, german shepherds, labradors, they are way ahead of pitbulls. Do you research before posting your feelings disguised as fact, and fact shaped by skewed media propaganda. Top post Jed
Absolutely disgusting Emailing a reporter tybrax
I'm talking about NSW, where the BA's are predominately Dogs NSW judges or breeders. You have claimed for the last however many years that the law is fraudulant, yet no one has challenged it. If that were the case and they'd been successfull, every tom dick and harry with a Pit Bull would follow suit. Now there's talk on a public forum of falsifying papers ( they would have to be ANKC papers ) to prove to rangers that people own a certain breed. Now that really is fraudulant, but for Pit Bull owners, that doesn't seem to matter, it's just a means to an end, that threatens to dump every ANKC Bull Breed in the same basket. It's about time the Pit Bull owners, changed tact because 4 years on, nothing has changed in this state and the threats of " your dogs will be next " is still the number one catch cry. Dogs NSW judges/breeders are not experts, there are no judges in Australia qualified to id an APBT. As for pit bull thats a mixture of breeds so they must be pretty good to id a pit bull. There are know Amstaff judge's in Aus all you have is your all breeds judges, who have never owned the breed,judged the breed as the breed is not recognised. The law is fraudulent, and there documentation is false and has been proven many times. People have challenge the law and they have had there dogs returned the last two cases being NSW and that was this year, l might add. l hardly post any cases on here anymore because there are to many pro BSL people on here!! your comment "your dogs will be next is still the no.1 catch cry" Come on you made a statement that your dogs are safe you made a deal with the ANKC. Yep and lets send the pit bull and apbt to the slaughter. l don't agree with papers been falsified,but like others have said it's to save there breed so be it. Of course it's fraudulent, but so is the law.
Nothing has changed, SBT123 you are so wrong. Many dogs that have been siezed in Vic, NSW, have been handed back to there owners. tybrax
for a breed they claim doesn't exist. This is were the law is fraudulent. So they falsify the documents to state your dog is a pit bull they,don't have a clue. So how can they legislate a law thats based on fraud????? tybrax
APBTS are a restricted breed which must be muzzled in public. Add insurance/liability issues and you might have more sympathy for their position. APBTs and ASTs are NOT the same breed in the eyes of the law. Of course if you have no papers to prove your dog is an AST, you're in a world of hurt. I'd suggest these people talk to their council and arrange a temperament test. If you need a piece of paper to tell the difference, that says it all. If everything hinges on a piece of paper, it's not difficult to arrange an adequate piece of paper. We are only dealing with box tickers anyway You got that right, that's all they are box tickers.
We should be exerting our energies into fighting BSL. ;) ;) ;) tybrax
THEY tried everything but there was nothing anyone could do to save Mini Mouse. The two-year-old lhasa-apso-maltese-cross died yesterday after she was she was mauled by a mastiff-cross in Highland Park on Monday. The unregistered mastiff jumped over its 1.8m fence and 'ripped apart' Mini as she was being taken for a walk along Quigan Terrace about 5pm. "It was horrendous, you could see her stomach and all her arteries," said her owner, Jennifer Carroll. Mini was rushed to the local vet and underwent surgery for her horrific injuries and began to improve while hooked up to a 'doggy drip'. Have your say on the feedback form below She was set to be released yesterday afternoon but suffered complications as infection took hold and died. Jennifer's husband John Carroll said it was like losing a family member. "She's going to be badly missed around here. She slept on our bed every night," he said. The mastiff was caught after the attack and is being held at the council pound as its investigates the matter. "Animal management staff are currently finalising their investigations into the incident and their findings will determine how the council proceeds in this matter," said a council spokesman. Your Say "Its not about banning vicious dogs CarlT, Any dog can be vicious, its about socializng the dog with other other dogs and people and providing it with excercise and training to avoid this type of problem, The dog relies on the owners for everything and in any situation similair to this the owner should be punished as they have failed as a responsible dog owner and aswell as that given a bad name for the rest of large breed dog owners. " Mike The spokesman refused to reveal what penalties the owners could face, saying it would hinder their investigation by possibly scaring them away. The Carrolls said they wanted to see the mastiff's owners brought to justice. Mr Carroll is calling on the State Government to introduce tougher laws that would see dog owners accountable for their animals' actions. He said dogs such as mastiffs could be lethal weapons and needed to be treated as such. "They need to tighten up the laws and people need to be responsible for their animals," he said. Mr Carroll said it took two men and a garden hose to pry the mastiff off Mini during the attack. "It was like a horror movie where you see something get brutalised," he said. "But it was was real life and there were kids watching." Andrew Howe, who helped Mr Carroll rescue Mini from the mastiff, was also bitten by the dog and has had to take time off work. The Bulletin visited the home where the mastiff was believed to be from to speak with its owners yesterday but no one answered the door. http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2010/0...coast-news.html tybrax
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
tybrax replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
Licensing will not work. Local Gold Coast paper The Sun 17.2.2010. Jessica Elder. Non -breeders need to get the snip. People who do not want theirs pets to breed but do not have them desexed have been branded "animail killers" by a Gold Coast City Councillor. Dog lover Cr Jan Grew said she was disgusted by the lazy nature of many city's pet owners. "What happens to unwanted pets? they get killed," she said. "Where talking about an innocent animal on the vets slab being given a lethal injection. "If you don't intend to breed you dog and cat then the only responsible course of action is to have it desexed. "Its no excuse to say 'oh but another dog jumped into my yard' it doesn't matter -its the owners responsibility. The AWL has a policy against euthanasia, but the numbers of animals surrendered and found on the streets is getting out of control. If owners were more resposible we would not have these problems. The Council will implement new breeder regulations in April. The new rules will mean anyone wanting thier pet to have a litter will be forced to pay $300.00 plus for a breeder's license. Compulsory desexing is not included in the new Local law. Cr Grew said that if desexing was not enforced the new rules would mean nothing. Animal Control Officer Geoff Irwin admitted the new licensing rules were not stringently enforceable and would be hard to POLICE. "To track down the owners breeding without a permit,we would have to investigate individual matters before issuing a show cause notice," he said. View the proposed regulations at goldcoast.qld.gov.au from next month. -
What Breeds Actually Fall Under Bsl?
tybrax replied to PrincessCharming's topic in General Dog Discussion
tybrax -
Update http://www.saveontariodogs.com/ tybrax
Great news Mantis, hugs for Kenny. tybrax
Local Gold Coast paper The Sun 17.2.2010. Jessica Elder. Non -breeders need to get the snip. People who do not want theirs pets to breed but do not have them desexed have been branded "animail killers" by a Gold Coast City Councillor. Dog lover Cr Jan Grew said she was disgusted by the lazy nature of many city's pet owners. "What happens to unwanted pets? they get killed," she said. "Where talking about an innocent animal on the vets slab being given a lethal injection. "If you don't intend to breed you dog and cat then the only responsible course of action is to have it desexed. "Its no excuse to say 'oh but another dog jumped into my yard' it doesn't matter -its the owners responsibility. The AWL has a policy against euthanasia, but the numbers of animals surrendered and found on the streets is getting out of control. If owners were more resposible we would not have these problems. The Council will implement new breeder regulations in April. The new rules will mean anyone wanting thier pet to have a litter will be forced to pay $300.00 plus for a breeder's license. Compulsory desexing is not included in the new Local law. Cr Grew said that if desexing was not enforced the new rules would mean nothing. Animal Control Officer Geoff Irwin admitted the new licensing rules were not stringently enforceable and would be hard to POLICE. "To track down the owners breeding without a permit,we would have to investigate individual matters before issuing a show cause notice," he said. View the proposed regulations at goldcoast.qld.gov.au from next month. tybrax
Why on earth would anyone WANT a DA dog? Purposefully bred DA dogs certainly don't belong in an urban environment. Rubbish!!
Good luck Kenny, fingers crossed Mantis l hope all goes well. tybrax
The dogs in question have been surrendered. tybrax
These dogs should of being destroyed!! tybrax
Thanks Geo will keep you informed. 1st dog is a boxer cross.
Dogs leave pony for dead, and have the law on side TAHNAE GOLDSWORTHY 17 Feb, 2010 11:37 AM FRIDAY, February 5, was a day that “couldn’t get any worse” for Bargo resident Rachelle Corfield. At 9am, neighbour Lyn Wren let her animals out only to find the paddock across the road and its miniature ponies owned by Mrs Corfield were under attack. “I let my animals out and saw two dogs chasing the stallion,” she said. “I ran across to chase them and that didn’t work so I ran back and got my husband who chased them away. “Then I noticed the dogs were in the long grass and I realised there were more ponies in there.” Arriving on the scene after being notified by neighbours Mrs Corfield said there were two dogs, what looked to be a “great Dane as big as one of my ponies” and another “tall back one”. “We couldn’t save her [thepony]. “They had torn her hock joints and nearly ripped one ear off,” Mrs Corfield said. “Torn open to the bone with ligaments all out.” With only a 15 per cent chance of survival according to veterinarians from Cobbitty University, Mrs Corfield decided it was better to put the one-yearold pony down. “The dogs even came back while we were sitting here trying to save this little one and it tried to drag the carcass of the white pony off,” Mrs Corfield said. After following the dogs through the back of the paddock, they claimed they saw the dogs jump into a backyard. Visiting the property owners with a ranger from the Wollondilly Development Services Section, Mrs Corfield asked the pair for their details with the knowledge that enormous vet bills were on the horizon. According to Mrs Corfield they simply said, “Don’t come around here telling us your problems.” With the dogs in the yard at the time, blood smeared on their muzzles, Mrs Corfield expected action to be taken. To her amazement, the Companion Animals Act states that after an attack is witnessed and the incident is investigated by Council’s officer, Council has no power to seize the dog if the attacking dogs have been adequately secured on land occupied Council will then issue the dog owner with a notice of the intention to declare the dog dangerous, which the owner has seven days to appeal. Once a dog is declared dangerous it needs to be kept in accordance with the control requirements for Dangerous Dogs under the Act that specify a certain type of enclosure the dogs must be kept in and the manner in which the dogs must be controlled when outside of the enclosure. In these cases Council can issue a fine of $550 per dog for the attack, but this matter is still under investigation. While a fine is a possibility that may give some satisfaction to Mrs Corfield, she simply cannot believe the law protects the animals that tore hers apart. “The law protects the dog and the dog owner,” she said. “I can’t believe that they have to re-offend to do something. “It’s the same fine as if they were trotting down the street unleashed.” However, Mrs Corfield was even more to find out that if the victim was a child, and not one of her miniature ponies, the council action would remain the same. Bargo resident Leanne Hancock said it has already happened in the two days prior to the pony attack. “Two kids were attacked on their way to school,” she said. “A mum walking with her dog and three little girls had dogs attack them.” http://bowral.yourguide.com.au/news/local/...spx?storypage=1
I agree. I hope you're right.