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Everything posted by canowna

  1. If anyone is travelling to Adelaide from Melb, that can fit in a couple of crates, please let me know, have a lady in Adelaide that I have some crates for. Any help will be appreciated Carolyn
  2. Hi, Is anyone travelling over to the Adelaide Royal, that is from the Dandenong side of town, that could possibly fit a large crate, and small crate in to be picked up at the Royal, any help would be appreciated. Carolyn
  3. Whoops, I don't go in General, will have a look
  4. I havent filled out the poll, as I think that any dogs attending a public event should be under control, be they purebred or mogrel. I do think that many people with dogs, and this includes show dog people, don't have any concept of dog behaviour and the telling warning signs that a dog is sending out aggressive body language and posturing, I always steer well clear of all dogs at shows and on the street for this reason. And wish that many people would respect that I want some space between me and there dog, so I can insure my and my dogs safety. Kerry I hope your girl is OK, and that she doesnt line up the next bulldog for breakfast.....LOL
  5. Pretty sure this is "supposedly" against the rules, when the entry form for a show states that the dog must be vaccinated at time of exhibition. But unless a rule is made stating you must have current vaccination certificate with you at time of exhibiton how does one know all dogs are vaccinated? I guess the governing bodies are holding people to their word, an honesty policy is in state, which doesnt mean that just because a physical check of every dog and card isnt made that the rule is not valid. The vaccination policy is there to protect the health of the dogs.
  6. Pretty sure this is "supposedly" against the rules, when the entry form for a show states that the dog must be vaccinated at time of exhibition.
  7. I have the book, as my father was involved with the production of the book.
  8. Geldings have and will always be an important representative of breeds, as many people dont or cant manage a Stallion or a Mare, for obvious reasons the geldings should be assessed in the same way as an entire male or female. If judges are not doing this they just dont get the importance of type and conformation, and the roll of Geldings in the horse world. I always check mouths, and all my friends who judge always check mouths, in led breed classes and open led, we are supposed to be looking for the best be it Mare, Stallion and Gelding. And yes I had a Gelding that went BIS over Stallions and Mares at a Breed feature show.
  9. umm as a horse judge, well i certainly does matter if a horse has a bad mouth & yes i do check every mouth wether it be a gelding, mare or stallion. i dont know where you got your information from but you need to go to a real horse show. Also from a horse breed judge perspective, I always check teeth on led exhibits, be it Stallion, Mare or Gelding, Perhaps saddle judges dont as it is performance based placing.
  10. Litter in South Australia has a pup with my name on it, to early to tell which one yet, but looking forward to some puppy cuddles and some fun in the ring.
  11. Clover - she is in SE Vic, near KCC Park - nice trailer and if I had the $ it would be parked in my yard by now. Hope it is sold soon so I don't keep drooling over it Yes Clover in Cranbourne, hey Andisa it's still for sale!!! I suppose it can't hurt to have a look - any chance you will be at KCC Park tomorrow? Timing sucks though. I was briefly at KCC on Sat helping someone, I will be away til the 10th Jan so if you want to wait til after xmas I guess as I will be away it will still be there.
  12. Clover - she is in SE Vic, near KCC Park - nice trailer and if I had the $ it would be parked in my yard by now. Hope it is sold soon so I don't keep drooling over it Yes Clover in Cranbourne, hey Andisa it's still for sale!!!
  13. Pictures added, make me an offer if your interested!!
  14. I am selling a 4 berth Bert Kewish made dog float, x-large berths at front, tack cupboard through the middle, and large berths at the back. You can fit the oztrail deluxe canopy in the wardrobe. Also has rear bumper and crate rack on front. This trailer was made by Bert for himself, it is fully insulated and excellent to tow. Is registered. Have posted a listing in the For Sale/Classifieds. If your interested give me a call Carolyn
  15. Normally Melbourne judges arent posted on the ANKC website until march of the year, cant let anyone not in the loop know whats happening.
  16. Checked the ANKC international judges list for 2011, no listing for Melbourne Royal at all, this will also clash with Perth Royal.
  17. Me too, a little appropriate for many dog people - dogs!!!!LOL figjam isn't original though. It's been around for years... in fact it was a high school friend's password to log in to our work computers back in 1994. Competition didn't state or require originality, just witty, cheeky or clever .. An Afghan dog(if I recall correctly) was imported many years ago to America with this name, I just like it's not so subtle message
  18. Me too, a little appropriate for many dog people - dogs!!!!LOL
  19. Ashley Reid's "Shaggy" Ashey Reid's "Shaggy" "What"!!!!!!! Thought he'd landscape He is into Bonsai. I had heard something along those lines , Ashley handle the boxer and pointer too!!
  20. Ashley Reid's "Shaggy" Ashey Reid's "Shaggy" "What"!!!!!!! Thought he'd landscape
  21. Would that be a Cav???? Well yeah It could be. I don't know, some of those yellow cabs are very nice in the country!!!LOL
  22. Clare is trying to find Brittany's for you. Sunday is deal, let me know. Thanks muchly, can I have Thursday's results for you know who?(LOL) Will let you know but lunch sounds good again
  23. must be a catalogue error?? Pendoric Red Rauri is an Irish Setter Cough, Cough was a Kerry Error :D That should say Ch Ramakell Devils Own. Your doing a great job, one slip of the finger is no biggie, any chance of Brittany results, gorgeous, Debriefing Sunday looking good too
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