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Everything posted by chevyopal

  1. Oh Shek .. I'm sorry to hear your news. Jaida is a beautiful girl and so lucky to have you care for her. Sending you both big hugs and I am thinking of you. Ann
  2. i do generally put things away or high in the kitchen. As I said, some of those things were my fault for leaving them out. But stealing my stuff off the kitchen bench is mad! Thank you. Oh agree absolutely - mad and so frustrating! I have to put tea towels out of sight or they are gone and torn up and this ratbag is 3 years old! :D When we come home after being out and the dogs are inside the first thing Chevy does is grab a pillow and show us what he can do - luckily nowadays its just for show! I do feel your pain - just letting you know you aren't alone. Ann
  3. I have to agree with the others. When we got our boy we quickly figured out why the fosters called him Chewy! But it was a matter of training ourselves to put things out of his reach and as he got older he got better. This went hand in hand with training him. I also made a point of buying toys that were suitable for heavy duty chewers - my pet shop owner carried a good range of toys for us and used us as a tester for other dogs! The black kong and tyre biters were fabulous - he loved those. He still loves chewing pillows and pinching tea towels from the kitchen when he wants attention - if he manages to get one and ruin it - it is all my fault for leaving them in his reach when I should know better! :D Good luck Ann
  4. Melt - I'm so sorry for your loss. Ann
  5. My two have gone through the stone eating phase and for us it was really only an attention seeking thing - worked in the beginning because I didn't know better!! But now I ignore them and so they have given up as well Ann
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