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Everything posted by Staffyfreak88

  1. I hope your boy is well enough to come home to you soon, i'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him Nat
  2. My boy who is 19months old started to cock his leg at 9month. I know that with my boy, my brother wouldn't walk him because he was embarrased. I know that I liked it when my boy squated, very easy toilet training when he was a puppy especially on cold nights all in one spot rather than all around the back yard. All I can say he will do it when he's ready and he may not ever cock his legs ever! Nat
  3. My boy gets fed on supercoat and raw chicken necks and other bits and he doesn't fart (hardly ever). The only time he farts is when i've fed him tinned food and the amount of times i've fed him tins I can count on my fingers. Supercoat is ok, at least it doesn't come in nice little shapes and colours, it has to be better than the just plain supermaket stuff. But I reckon on a fart-o-meter Staffies would be off the charts
  4. Gus is 15 months old and 25 kilos on the bigger side of pure Staffies, he still act's like a puppy but just want's to please me. He like's treats but they aren't his main motivation. I don't like to give him too many treats when training I don't want him to come to expect it, and when I do give him something he get's a piece of schmacko about the size of my small fingernail. He does love his cotton rope I have never seen clicker training sounds interesting. I just think that chokers are old fashioned and there are better ways to do things in the 21st century. S.F.
  5. Thanks for the help guys. I think i'll turn up with him wearing his half-check collar next week and if she doesn't like it i'll have to train him myself using books. The funny thing is I trained him a bit thru her last year and she allowed him to wear a half-check collar she only protested once and then she gave up. S.F.
  6. Hi Austogo There's nowhere else to train thats the problem. S.F.
  7. Hi guy's I'm new here. I want to be a responsible dog owner i'm only 17 and have decided to take my Stafford to obedience traning I live in a small town and there is only one place to train. The instructor told me that she only trains with a choker and that it's her responsibilty to do this as to abide by SACA rules. She's an older lady and I believe she is set in her ways I already had him on a half-check collar. All the rest of the dog's in the class wear one but I don't like them. She also doesn't allow treats as reward. My question is do I have to train with a choker or is it BS. Thanks
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