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Everything posted by Hounder

  1. Adult Deerhound bitch was $275 + $33 for pain relief
  2. I had our 6 yr old bitch done 3 weeks ago. We were told to keep her confined for a couple of days. I knew she was a licker so I insisted on pain relief to bring home which worked a treat. There was only one day that she worried the wound and that was the day after the pain killers had finished, about day 5. And she jumped up and down off the bed. She did not rip her stitches or have any infection. Our problem now is because she was incarcerated with us for 10 days she has become very clingy and won't go out with the other dogs now.
  3. I haven't checked out Cambridge yet. I usually get our kibble from either Pet Domain (which is cheaper) or the local pet food stockist which is about $5 or so dearer. I only go to Glenorchy Tucker Box and that might be to get a large dog bed at a reasonable price. It isn't easy finding a pet stockist here that doesn't sell pets and if you do, it is just too expensive.
  4. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../28/petscol.DTL
  5. I like to have 2 weeks off to bond and get the pup used to a routine.
  6. “ There is one best place to bury a good dog. If you bury him in this spot, he will come to you when you call – come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl at him nor resent his coming, for he belongs there. People may scoff at you, who sees no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no whimper; people who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing. The best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master.” (B.S Campion)
  7. I used a soft crate for our Deerhound pup. He didn't damage it when zipped inside, it was when he was left alone for the day with the door open so he could come and go. That was when he damaged it. We now use a metal crate for night time as it is a lot quieter when he is stretching etc. I've had the soft crate repaired for when I'll need it at shows etc He chewed the zip and 2 small holes in the corners which I'm still not sure if that was him or the crate frame work. The holes were patched and I asked them to just sew the zip up and we will use the side door rather than the end. It would have cost a fortune to have got the zip replaced.
  8. Fifi the photo I was looking for but can't find is of Bree at about 4-5 months and just looks like Tamsyn at 3 months. Lockie, though always leggy, hasn't hit that gangly stage yet. His growth has been well balanced so far.
  9. Fifi, how could you say that :D Large sighthounds certainly go through some radical changes during growth. I've been trying to find a particular photo of Bree but can't find the one I'm after I never noticed an "ugly" stage with her body but I did with her head These photos aren't of the ugly head 8 weeks 8 months 17 months 3 years
  10. My 6 month old puppy is on Adult Bonnie and has been for 2 months now. He is still growing well. It is not the Ca/ph which is the problem but the high amount of protein. Puppy foods are generally called a "hot" food. My vet also recommended taking him off puppy to slow his growth rate.
  11. Yay way to go Boy Glad you didn't miss that call No it wasn't us that you held the pup for. Bree was 8 weeks when I picked her up.
  12. I agree with Showdog. It is not the flight that is the problem (2 of my dogs flew to Hobart at 8-10 weeks) but the constant changing environments which may cause undue stress for the pup. If it was me I would ask the breeder to hold on to the pup till I returned from the holiday.
  13. Every 3 months cause they graze on roo poo and I'm being cautious for hydatids
  14. classic pic. where do you sit?? ;) On the floor. Like I said they get down when told to. I don't think Deerhounds are a dominant breed though can be wilful and try it on occasionally. When in the house they obey.
  15. What can I say They get down when told to
  16. no he isnt drinking his pee while eating his poo :S yummy dinner conversation lol .... just eating the poo ... BUT great news is i added the pineapple juice and so far he hasnt eaten any for two days .... ( not that i have seen anyways...) the vet also recommended to add the pineapple juice and this worked a treat SO FAR lol THANK U ALL for ur wonderful help i shall certainly be returning to this sight if any further problems start happening ... luv femmie Glad the pineapple juice worked. How much did you add to their food? We are having a similar problem
  17. Because dogs are basically carnivores, their digestive system isn't set up for digesting much vegetable matter. By pulverising the vegies it helps break it down to make it easier. In the wild dogs would get their vegetable matter mainly from the intestines of the animals that they killed, so it is already partly digested. As for rice, I give our dogs/puppy rice. Not in large quantities but they still get it. If a dog has a gastric upset, the vet will recommend rice and chicken because it is bland and easy to digest.
  18. I give our dogs raw vegies which have been put through the processor. The mix includes apple, celery, pumpkin, brocolli, cauliflower and carrots. I mix this through their meat. I make up a big batch and then divide into portions and freeze it. I read earlier that you fed pureed mushroom. I believe mushrooms are a no-no
  19. I managed to get a sample in a sample pot with Bree but it took awhile as she didn't like me hovering round her while she was trying to go Xena, I would have real problems though as she is so low to the ground she looks like she is sitting. Hopefully I won't have to do her as I doubt I could get anything under her :D
  20. We have a 4 month old Deerhound which has been crate trained in a canvas crate. At this stage he is fine and not chewing it. He does scratch but it is more when he is stretching rather than deliberately trying to scratch out. His crate is used both as his bed and for traveling in the car. I like the idea of the soft crate as it has a bit of give when he is lying near the side and it seems warmer and cosier than a wire crate. Time will tell. We will have to buy a bigger one soon as in a couple of months he will have grown out of his extra large crate
  21. I'm no expert, but it sounds like a reassurance thing. She is finding comfort. I would think she will grow out of it fairly soon.
  22. I was reading your post and found it very interesting about the foot turning under. When we took our pup at 10 weeks for his first vet check, he said he was worried that he was growing too fast. He thought that his legs looked too straight and that if it continued he would go over his feet causing a ballerina effect. He said the cause was that the bones were growing too fast for the ligaments. Anyway he suggested taking him off puppy food and putting him on adult food to reduce the protein to slow up his growth. I now mix adult with the puppy but he gets a higher ratio of adult rather than just puppy. Is this what you were referring too? Just curious
  23. Sorry, had to ask. What does red cordial do??
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