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Everything posted by Rysup

  1. Hills is a great club, but I have not been to training for a few years. I am pretty sure you can go and watch before you join, so you can decide for yourself.
  2. Rysup


    Oh Kaffy I soooo feel for you. At least you did get to find out what happened to him, not knowing is just the worst sort of hollow pain.
  3. I would be erecting a proper fence - chainwire or weldmesh panels complete with gate so you can get in and out easily. Its a pain the proverbial when they do that - our Amstaffs are all line pullers but ONE will pull the clothes off THEN proceed to POO on them! So needless to say things were rearranged here very quickly! And the Pooer is 4 years old, so dont think they will grow out of it !!!! Sorry!
  4. Our 3 Amstaffs are each in a 3m x 8m run, for their own safety, as well as the safety of my other dogs and my son. They are just too big and too rough for everyone, including each other!
  5. I have found that adult dogs who wee on mats or beds, tend to always do it IF they need to go. So while, if you are super good and let her out before she is busting, she wont do it, if you sleep in a bit long she will. I would be crate training her overnight, that would be the best way to teach her to hold it, I would think. But I am no expert!
  6. I think you will be fine - your baby has more pigment on her nose at 7 weeks than Floyd did, and he has had no trouble.
  7. This is my boy Floyd at around 5-6 weeks 8 weeks - 5 months -
  8. When I did grooming, unless you told me specifically you wanted something left on....then normally it was all taken off, though I would not shave feet, just trim them back with scissors! Every Cav person had a different requirement!
  9. I have dealt with demodex twice - mother and daughter - and no I did not breed either. I have since gone on to breed with the daughter and her 3 puppies have had NO incidence of demodex as yet. And both mother and daughter showed very strong symptoms by 4 months of age. However if any of the puppies I bred do prove to become affected then their mother will be desexed and not bred from again. There is so much contradictory information about demodex that I decided to do a test mating and see. The daughter in my case was one of two only from her litter to become affected. She was very badly affected, loosing all the hair on her face at 4 months old, and so being kept out of the ring. She was back in the ring at 6 months, so it was resolved rather quickly. Her mother, it took a long time for her to be diagnosed. Her symptoms appeared as hot spots and they never showed on her face or legs, but rather her body. The breed here is not one known for being affected by demodex, but I do know that very often our puppies will get a little bald patch.....clearly a demodex outbreak......but their immune systems must normally kick into gear and they are fine. With the puppies I bred, they were hand raised because their mother had no milk. So their maternal antibodies were pretty much non existent. I under vaccinated them because I felt that with no maternal antibodies to interfere there was no reason for the initial vaccs not to work. I am only going to booster them at 12 months and then not again. It's all been very enlightening to go through this, but also a lot of hard work!
  10. I used to have a mobile grooming business. I once did a dog with ringworm (well I did him a few times while he had it). He was the last job of the day each time. I wore gloves, the truck and bath and grooming tools were all disinfected after he was done. His poor owner had so much trouble getting someone to do him, he was a Keeshond, and so she had trouble treating him with his coat and all. I never had a problem but thats not to say I couldnt have.
  11. Greater Western All Breeds, Obedience & Herding Club might be the best place to start? I know they held their first trial last year. 02 6337 5252 Mrs P Sherman Or try Orange Dist Kennel & Obedience Club 02 6362 3932 Mrs H Woods.
  12. If you get no luck I can ask my sister - she lives in the area and used to be a vet nurse. She uses a vet near the train station but thats all I know LOL Anyway PM me if you want me to find out who she uses.
  13. Rysup


    Years ago I was training a Kees who was clueless about downs. So at training one night, they had me doing downs under a chair. He had no choice but to go down on the ground otherwise he wouldnt fit. It worked, he got the idea pretty fast!
  14. Not all groomers check anal glands. I didnt do them LOL
  15. What type of coat? I never use pin brushes with bobbles on the ends. I have been using a Vellus pin brush and I LOVE it. Also use PSI a lot. They last a few years even with constant use.
  16. Rysup


    RIP Kaden Reading this made me cry :D I thought my heart broke when my heart dog died at 6, but to loose such a special man at such a young age, must be shattering.
  17. Ive had dogs that do this - I found the cure in putting them onto Sentinel. Not sure WHY it worked, but it did.
  18. I dont have a problem with using talc or baby powder, but I guess not all the time. I use it on my puppies when I cant bath them before a show, or for cleaning up accidents. I have a bottle of talc in my grooming box, along with potato flour, but the potato flour is mainly used for drying coats. And yes make sure they are thoroughly dry to prevent smelly coats.
  19. I also used a couple of soup bones I picked up in Woolies (human stuff).
  20. I would guess if she has no issues with the vacuum or whipper snipper etc, then its not the noise, its the blowing on her. I have a Lhasa here who DETESTS being blown on. I had to teach her very strongly that she HAD to lay still while I dried her head. She hated every minute of it, but learnt to put up with it. You got the same reaction if it was windy or you blew on her face!!
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