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Posts posted by Kajirin

  1. All was ok here, got to sleep around 4am. There was a grass fire on Verrall Road, base siren went off, assuming that was due to lightning and not arsonists like the OTH fire.

    Had packed suitcases and documents in readiness, just had an eerie weird feeling...which I've never had before living here. Was just going to leave with the animals and packed stuff if I had to.

    Nan got to go back to her house in Sedan at 2:30am - her house was ok but smells of smoke. They have no power up there and none in the immediate future as power lines were burnt etc.

    Couldn't have the comp on due to lightning, but had the portable radio on 891 and it was horrible listening to all the fires going on. Was one long freaky night :(

  2. The cool change and wind is just divine, I have opened every door and window. I have been sick with stress being paranoid about bushfires

    Same here, not far from you either Casowner. Down to 23ºC atm and it's beautiful. Doggo got all excited as he got to go out for a run.

    In regards to fires. My Nan has been evacuated to Swan reach as she lives at Sedan...fires expected to hit Sedan at 10pm....in 30 mins to hit Cambrai. 4am Angaston :(

  3. Poor snakes can die in extreme heat, so generally come where it's cooler [around houses]. Haven't seen any this season. But previous seasons had browns curled up in the shade under the verandah. Just let them be as they needed the cool as well [just kept the dog inside - or took him out on a leash out the front for a wee].

  4. Just thinking my poor dog he has so many different verbal commands which he understands. He also has a habit of eating things he shouldn't like little bits of wood or the like and he's the master of hiding them in his flobbagob. Even after checking his mouth he manages to hide whatever he has well. I have to cup my hand under his chin and say 'spit it out' he'll spit out whatever is in his mouth :laugh:

  5. When Tye was desexed after 12 months old, he had a big set of balls. Took a few months but his skin had shrunk up level with the rest of his body. He didn't have any dangly groin skin.

    Scout was done at 6 months old. He was a one ball wonder. Luckily the vet got to the undescended testicle from the initial incision in the other one.

  6. :) I think she and you were meant to be introduced at this time ....

    KISMET (destiny,fortune/fate)

    No judgement here - you do what you need to be well and safe - and to ensure the same for those around you.

    Agree with you on this name Pers :D

    No judgement here either, depression sucks chronically. Would seem this dog is destined to help you out of it. Lots of huggles to you skyefool, may you break free of the dark path and enjoy a new path with happiness and fun :hug:

  7. As a pet owner who loves pedigree dogs, I am glad there are good breeders who do supply to those like me who just want a pet that is healthy as possible [meaning they've done the hard yards breeding, doing health tests etc.]. I've never had any trouble with my current dog except for his self inflicted injuries and some seasonal allergies. He's coming up for 8 in 2 months time and he still has the same physique he had when he was a year old, he's just a little bit slower now a days. I can't thank my breeder enough for giving me the gift of a wonderful pet :)

    I've seen my breeder advertise online in different places - but to me I just think well done. Much rather see reg'd breeders advertising than the byb, designer dogs etc., that currently fill up online advertising sites.

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