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Posts posted by Kajirin

  1. glad they've been caught out, but hoping that as they did surrender they can still be prosecuted if found guilty. It's puppy farms like this that should be made to pay out a set compensation to rescues and the like as usually what they produce ends up in them some way or another. Call it a victims of greed levy - but this is just me thinking aloud.

  2. When did a child become an it?

    I think the thread title refers to the life of the child "its life" , not calling the child an it....

    I hope you aren't a teacher because you are totally wrong :)

    No thankfully I'm just a stupid dog groomer

    Its is the neutral possessive and as the title is mentioning a child and not boy or girl, it is quite correct to use its.

  3. This kind of thing just makes me really angry :(

    Animals I buy are pets, I don't breed and desex when it is advised to do so by my vet. As a pet purchaser I could never blame a breeder for something that happens months or years down the track, as in my opinion 'that's life'. As long as they've done the relative species specific health tests and have healthy sires/dams, I can't ask for any more than that. Animals are not pre made plastic molds with metal interiors, they are living, breathing creatures - breeders I go to have done all they can to ensure a healthy animal and I thank them for that.

    Environment, diet, over exercise when young can be contributing factors to problems later on. How can breeders be held accountable for the way a purchaser rears a pup once it has changed hands??!!

    Meh litigation mad we've become...I'm amazed we haven't started suing our parents or grandparents for inherited problems some of us face and asking for compensation :eek:

  4. Have a horse [a 16 year old Clydesdale mare, I've her had since she was 11 months old]. Also have a 3 year old feral goat [bought him from a bloke who was sending him to feedlot at around 4 weeks old]. Birdwise I always have a budgie - just love them! Current budgie is 13 years old now, so not sure how long he'll last...he is looking more and more old of feather these days :(

    Guess I love horses due to their long lived lives, my old boy [an Arab] was 34 when he passed on.

    Used to have gin pigs and rabbits. The rabbits were wild ones the cat had brought home as babies. But with all the foxes around, it's wiser not to have small animals like these [or chooks/ducks].

  5. Theres a Mule forum in the U.S that tells of a bunch of people riding out with a few dogs and and a pack mule.

    A Cougar started to stalk the dogs and the story is the Mule grabbed the cougar by the tail, whipped him 'round a bit then stomped it and rolled on the carcass. Included pics. taken on a mobile.

    I believe it. :shrug:

    Apparently the cougar was already dead and the mule tossed around it's carcass, if it's the one I'm thinking of

  6. Bruno seems to think that everyone likes to play like a Boxer. Is completely surprised when rejected/ barked at. :o

    I hope that as he matures he might learn the art of diplomacy, and moderate his enthusiasm to match others better. It may never happen...

    In the meantime, he has a bunch of Boxer mates we catch up with regularly. It's very entertaining. Lots of zoomies (complete with wild eyes, flapping jowels and racing ears) , splatting and biffing with paws, body slamming and weird noises. When too exhausted to run anymore, there is the old favourite, lying down bitey-face.

    Total Slobberfest! :laugh:

    Took Scout years to learn that other dogs like gentle greets and play. Oh to see group Boxer play is a sight to behold :love:

    The Kelpie next door comes over each day now to play and she does bitey face with him, Scout just does flob mashing [she ends up well slobbered on]. Never thought I'd see a Boxer wear out a Kelpie :laugh: Scout is 7 now [heading closer to 8] and the Kelpie is around 1 year old.

  7. Have noticed lately Scout's play style has changed from when he was younger. Used to be he was all paws, ummyarhs [vocalisation], body slams and zoomies with any breed - but recently he played with a guide dog puppy at the vet and he went into a drop position and crawled over to the pup, letting the pup engage play and they ended up doing licky faces together. When he plays with the neighbours Kelpie, he's not as Boxerish with her either, tends to shovel nose her a bit, but he also tends to drop for her as well.

    Yet when he met another Boxer when out for a walk, he was bouncing on all four paws, paw action and just general Boxer enthusiasm. Guess he can recognise one of his own laugh.gif

  8. I grew up with a GSD and Fox Terrier, as a teen I had 3 Siberian Huskies. Currently have a Boxer [did have another but he passed away young :( ]. Will be sticking with Boxers from now on, as I find I have a real affinity with them :D

  9. Had a look at our legislation. Couldn't see anything in relation to unattended dogs but did find this.

    8—Meaning of effective control of dog by means of physical restraint

    For the purposes of this Act, a person is exercising effective control of a dog by means of physical restraint


    (a) the person is exercising effective control of the dog by means of a chain, cord or leash that does not exceed 2 metres in length restraining the dog; or

    (b) the person has effectively secured the dog—

    (i) by placing it in a cage, vehicle or other object or structure; or

    (ii) by tethering it to a fixed object by means of a chain, cord or leash that does not exceed 2 metres in length.

  10. Right from when mine was a pup I let him get used to everything I possibly could - people, children, trolleys, prams, pushers, walkers and bicycles [he'll always just ignore as they go past]. Scooters/skateboards has been a tad harder as they're not always around when I want them to be [to be honest didn't know any kids that had them either]. The times he has seen kids on them, he's been alert, but relaxed - still tell him to leave it and give lots of praise once they've gone. I'd never leave my boy unattended though, would never dream of it.

    The only time he pays attention to anyone going past is if they use the magic word...hello [that's his cue they generally want to pat him].

    Kind of kicking myself as well, as I was sitting on the bench earlier but moved away to let Scout have a wee on some trees away from the shop [he's on Macrolone tablets at the moment and is a piddlepot]. If I'd stayed there, the guy probably wouldn't have had his dogs tied up there and the woman wouldn't have got bitten. But as Mum said can't blame myself for that, as I wasn't to know but meh still feel bad.

  11. Was at the local shops this afternoon with Scout and my Mum. She went in to do some shopping whilst I waited outside. A man came along with two dogs [one looked like a cattle dog mix the other kelpie mix] and left them tied up to the shopping trolley bar near the front entrance and went in the shops.

    I stayed well away from them as they didn't look particularly happy. They barked and snarled at passers by [especially ones with trolleys, they barked and bared their teeth as my Mum passed by them with her trolly, but she was well out of their range]. They were barking quite a bit and the man came out and moved his black one and tied him to the outside bench seats [still near the front door]. He went back into the shops again.

    I was now waiting out by the chemist as Mum had to go in and get a prescription. I had Scout in a sit and was watching the two dogs as a regular shopper came along with her husband. She uses a maroon coloured walker as she's quite older. She was walking up the small ramp and the black dog lunged at her and bit her on her calf giving her a very large laceration. The husband sat her down on the bench [which the dog was tied to]. The dog went to go her again so the husband hauled off and smacked the dog in the face with his empty reusable green bags. It made the dog back off and cower well away.

    By this time the blood is streaming down her leg, another lady raced into the chemist and they came out with padding and a bandage and quickly applied it. I offered her husband my mobile to call an ambulance, but another passerby was calling for one. I stayed around until she was taken off by the ambulance. Wasn't sure if I was needed as a witness or the like, but I wasn't asked.

    The guy finally came out to get his dogs to find all this had happened. He didn't know what to do but apologize profusely [at least he didn't take off]. But all he could really say was it wasn't in his dog's nature to act like that. But judging by how they were reacting to things...I guess he doesn't really see how his dogs act out in his absence.

    I did see the dog owner and husband of the lady bitten exchanging information.

    Do hope the lady is ok though, as it looked like a nasty wound :(

  12. Scout is an absolute attention wh**e so I have no qualms with people wanting to pat him. He'll just ignore all who pass by unless they say hello to him - then he goes into full wiggle butt mode wanting and lavishing up the attention. Most ask before patting him [usually mothers with small kids]. Older blokes [men in their 70s and 80s] usually just pat him without asking. Older women [also in their 70s and 80s] generally start off with how cute he looks and then go in for a pat. They all end up with hand licks [he still doesn't have a license for his tongue] and a chat. But at the end of the day if it's made them happy for a brief period in time then I'm happy :D

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