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Everything posted by frenzied1

  1. Definitely a reaction as she had to have an op on her ear for yeast infections. I will pass this on. Thanks guys
  2. Check your PM Thanks I have passed the info on
  3. Thought I would just put this up here. Any thoughts? This is the message I received Cassie seems to have an allergy to yeast that occurs in beef, chicken, lamb and pork, and she's busy chewing her feet to pieces. We're currently feeding the pair of them kangaroo mince (which they both adore), but we're having enormous trouble trying to find dry food and treats that don't have beef or the other meats in them. Do either of you know of anything else on the market? We had a look at stuff that claims to contain fish but they also had the forbidden animal products in them.
  4. frenzied1


    Oh Karen I am so sorry you have lost your special girl.
  5. frenzied1


    RIP Harvey Lets hope his death wasn't in vain and the fireworks are gone forever.
  6. Name: Beverley Age (optional): 32 Location: Canberra Rescue Group: ARF Time in Rescue: From mid 2006 Who can vouch for: I would hope any ARF people, Paula from CGAS and any of the girls from CPR Preferred Breed: Boofers Experience (if any): Always loved animals volunteered at the RSPCA when I first immigrated, so I am experienced in shovelling poo I go temp testing often and learn alot there. I can always learn more. I have no formal training. Microchip YES Vaccination YES Desexing YES Heartworm test YES worming YES flea treatment if necessary vet work if required YES basic training/teach manners. I try to house train dogs I try to Dogs inside the home or outside. My fosters live as my own dogs do, they hang outside when they want to, they come inside when they want to, sleep in crates. If I go out they are crated inside I never leave them outside if I am not home. I am only ever away for 3 hours tops. Are you prepared to give extra care for a dog with problems: I do if I think I can deal with the problems myself.
  7. Gail, you break my heart. It wasn't your fault and you have not failed Moe. You should him how good things can be, you loved him and cared for him, what more could he of asked. You are a super person Gail and should never ever doubt yourself. My thoughts and love are with you at this extremely crap time.
  8. I am so sorry. Sarah was a beautiful little nugget.
  9. I am so sorry Paula. Shadow was such a beautiful girl who was the most beautiful ambassador for Greyhounds. She is pain free now and woofing down at you I am sure. She had a crap start in life but what a fabulous end she was loved beyond belief. My thoughts are with you and Harry.
  10. Where did you get it??? It sounds great
  11. I have tried just a squirty bottle and it seems good at the moment. He is a beautiful boy
  12. Thanks Mita, Murdock only barks at us, he never barks at the gates or fences. He has plenty to do and is inside with us alot of the time. We do already make him sit for everything. I will try the mystery noise I think. Thank you all
  13. Thank you everyone. I have tried ignoring him and then rewarding quietness, but someone said that if you were going to make a loud noise when they barked that you couldn't be visable to the dog. Is this correct?
  14. Hello All, Murdock is 16 weeks now and is turning into abit of a yapper. I am home during the day and he and Kenzie are in and out all day. I have tried ignoring it and he does eventually shut up but with 4 kids, maybe one of them is reacting. But he has started barking when you are getting his dinner, when he goes out first thing in the morning, and for various other reasons that he sees fit. I have tried this evening a Citronella collar and it didn't activate because of his high pitched bark. It worked when I did it ;) Anyway any ideas? I am at a loss Thanks in advance
  15. Looks like he might have abit of Ridgeback in there, but he is a beautiful Bitza
  16. At dog classes the other day. I saw a dog that looks exactly like Jade I even asked if that was the dogs name. Turns out it was a little boy they got him from the RSPCA. Very cute
  17. Congrats and well done Jade. Murdock hasn't had an accident for a while but still have to watch him like a hawk. I am getting a doggy door put in.
  18. Hello Shylo's mum, I would think about crate training, or set your alarm and take out your pup for toilets during the night. Everytime your pup does a wee or poo praise them so he knows he is doing the right thing. It is a slow process but you will get there. Chin up
  19. I keep catching Murdock trying to steal the kids cuddly toys from the rumpus room. Kenzie thinks she is allowed to do it as Murdock is
  20. Jade sounds like she did all the right things. What a good girl :rolleyes:
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