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  1. Talk to people with Chinese Crest's as they get Black heads and they may be able to help you with this
  2. One of my dogs is 13yrs old and he still has selective deafness :p
  3. Im not sure if its ever too late to socialise but you may just want to watch how he interacts with the other dogs and step in if it gets too pushy and distract them
  4. Not sure if they can get sick by it but is there maybe something the puppy is lacking for them to do it?
  5. Im lucky where I live it only takes a couple of hours to dry so i lock my naughty dog up while it out on the line then let him out when its dry
  6. Great way to show how to do it with the pics an all
  7. Poor little girl was scared is all. Maybe next time she will feel better about it all. Good luck
  8. A Friend of mine has a problem. He allowed a so called friend to show his puppy for a while (He had him for about 6 months) and when he got the puppy back he was favouring the off show side rear leg. He got the puppy checked out and it seems the puppy has broken ribs The bloke that had him had pointed out that the puppy had started limping. How does the Friend of mine now approach this person to find out how the hell the puppy has come to have broken ribs? The vet says in their opinion the puppy has been kicked!!!!!
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