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Everything posted by kritta

  1. My pup was a puller up until two weeks ago when I said enough is enough. She's 16 weeks old and 15kgs so I couldn't let it go on any longer. What I did was firstly buy a shorter lead that was good to hold onto and wasn't going to slip out of my hands. I make her sit attach the lead to a normal collar. Make sure I had lots of treats on hand for anything that resembled a heal at the start of the training. I practised in my back garden firstly until I got a good heal. I made the training very black and white for this pup. If you go past my legs you get a pull back to position and a treat given at the heal position. As she got better and better the treat was only given randomly and lots of praise and a pat other times. Pup was healing perfectly by the second session. I'd just practise in the back garden for a few sessions a day for a few days until you get your pup where you want it. Remember keep it very simple, Black and white. I did have an older dog that I couldn't get to heal constanly enough so I put him in a halter type lead which worked well. Good luck with the training.
  2. I thought John had a dog growing up as a kid? Or am I thinking of another book? The dog he had was a x breed and trained well, him and his father picked it out together. Just a thought.
  3. RIP Brock, big hugs to you and your girls.
  4. John Grogan pretty well summed up (in this book) how I felt when I lost Gypsy really couldn't have said it any better. I guess until you've lived the life of John and his wife you can't really judge if the dog could of been trained better. Each and every dog has a different personality some train easier than others......
  5. That would have to be the cutest pair I've seen in ages!!
  6. Welcome Beckley85, gorgeous Boxers. No advise to offer but good luck with the potential boxer babies, with those 2 as parents they are going to be lovely.
  7. Today would've been Gypsy's 10th Birthday.......... How does this pain go away....... Once again thank you for your replies.
  8. RIP Faith, So sorry for your loss.
  9. Rest in Peace beautiful old Tyson. Hugs to you and your family.
  10. Thank you all for your kind words. Thanks A.J I thought you may had missed it. The reality of it all has really sunk in, I'm just missing her so much now.
  11. Sorry for your loss Riley'n'Mia, I found this website really useful, it helped me understand my grief a little better. Sorry tried to add the link but my computer skills aren't that great Search www.epitaph.com.au There is a section on children and Grief. Hope this helps.
  12. Thanks guys for your thoughts and hugs I truly needed them today. It's amazing how grief slows the clock down and all you want is the day to be over....
  13. Dear Gypsy, Yesterday felt so final, I can't believe how quickly this all happened as you quietly kept your pain from me, you were a tough as nails dog, brave, strong, loving and completely loyal. To me you completely out shone any expectation I had when my husband had carried you through that door that warm Christmas eve. You chewed the wiring loam out of my horse float and our trailer, dug holes and tore out your bedding from in your kennel! Glad you grew out of all that quickly! We joined our local dog obedience club and you showed me how much fun training was again. We packed up house and took off travelling in a caravan for a few years. You walked some of the best beaches in Australia, hung you head out the window and breathed in all the wonderful smells. Gypsy you entertained me to no end, everyday you gave me everything you had. Your the gift that just kept on giving. Even yesterday the way you looked at me I knew you were telling me it was ok, I was ment to be holding your hand not the other way around! Today I woke up hoping yesterday was a nightmare and I'd walk past the couch this morning and you'd be there wagging your little stumpy............ The house feels empty even though there is people around me....... I hope we meet again some day. Love Your Kritta xxxxxxxxxx
  14. I just got home from camping this weekend, took my Gypsy she had an awesome time but has now totally crashed out on the couch! I think it depends on the dog when traveling, we traveled a lot with our dog when she was younger. She's generally quiet and well behaved so it was easy. Maybe a few shorter trips first off to get the dogs used to caravanning. I used to chain my dog in the annexe at night with her bedding etc.......
  15. Dam shame you have to move! Looks great
  16. This. Snobbery is everywhere: rescue; dog sport; dog training; show; DDs; working dogs; DDs and beyond. If it bugs you, don't reward it by supporting their business. Totally agree. I'm sure the dog in question doesn't care about the remark!!!
  17. Oh Wow!!!!! She is cute, Congratulations! It must be the weekend for new puppies. I want one!
  18. Congratulations, what a nice looking pup
  19. kritta


    Geez the preview just got me teary, think I need to watch it now!
  20. Glad to hear Mischa is going well, Mollie sounds like she is a great mum. Congratulations on the unexpected arrival Sallywill
  21. Naw, what a gorgeous pair, they made me smile too!
  22. Welcome to DOL Gorgeous photos of your dogs, I love the pups markings
  23. Gyps is not a natural swimmer, likes the water but is so unbalanced it's not funny (well it is actually!!) I think it has something to do with not having a tail...... Cute pics everyone
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