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Lacy And Tully And Thier Quest To Become Delta Dogs


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Hi Guys, I thought I might document my girls journey to become Delta Dogs and make a thread to follow thier progress.

All paper work is fill out I have fabulous references for me and the girls done by some wonderful friends who know us well.

Then today was the visit to the vets for the vet exam which both girls passed with flying colors. I am very proud of my girls and can't wait till the next step which will be the Delta assessment day hopefully sometime in the next couple of months.



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Yay!!! Good luck! I'm sure your girls will make fantastic therapy dogs! It's a wonderful program and benefits so many people.

Zero and I have our first delta dog assignment on the 31st - we're going to hornsby westfield for a public awareness and fundraising day. Z is going to looooove it! I'm going to take my camera so hopefully I'll be able to get some photos. I have no idea how he's going to react to the lifts and escalators but hopefully it'll all be good - a totally new experience for him!

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Yay!!! Good luck! I'm sure your girls will make fantastic therapy dogs! It's a wonderful program and benefits so many people.

Zero and I have our first delta dog assignment on the 31st - we're going to hornsby westfield for a public awareness and fundraising day. Z is going to looooove it! I'm going to take my camera so hopefully I'll be able to get some photos. I have no idea how he's going to react to the lifts and escalators but hopefully it'll all be good - a totally new experience for him!

Wow you will have a ball Shell and so will Zero, I hope once we get up and running here we will be able to do something similar to get others involved, so far there is only one other Delta Dog in our town (DOLer Mawson) and we have just got our first facility which is the kids ward at the hospital, which will be great!! When do you do your first visit to a facility?

It will be interesting to see how Zero goes with the lifts etc, can't wait to see your photos. When Cooper was younger I was such a protective puppy mum, I took him to Southern Cross station one day and had to up the huge escalator and I was petrified he wouldn't go on his own so I carried him :rolleyes: and there were two girls whispering on the other side on the way down and when they got closer they asked me if he was real or if he was a big doggy teddy. :( i guess it would be an easy mistake to make when he looked like this :D My mum had this pic on her fridge and my Step sis also thought he was a Teddy!!


Please excuse my newbie ignorance, but what is a Delta Dog? :)

Delta dogs can visit hospitals and nursing homes etc, have a read about it here


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Good luck with it all!!! I'm hoping to see if Lottie can become a 'Delta Dog', as I really think she'd be great at it, so happy, friendly and confident!! I look forward to watching your journey :laugh:

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Yay!!! Good luck! I'm sure your girls will make fantastic therapy dogs! It's a wonderful program and benefits so many people.

Zero and I have our first delta dog assignment on the 31st - we're going to hornsby westfield for a public awareness and fundraising day. Z is going to looooove it! I'm going to take my camera so hopefully I'll be able to get some photos. I have no idea how he's going to react to the lifts and escalators but hopefully it'll all be good - a totally new experience for him!

Wow you will have a ball Shell and so will Zero, I hope once we get up and running here we will be able to do something similar to get others involved, so far there is only one other Delta Dog in our town (DOLer Mawson) and we have just got our first facility which is the kids ward at the hospital, which will be great!! When do you do your first visit to a facility?

It will be interesting to see how Zero goes with the lifts etc, can't wait to see your photos. When Cooper was younger I was such a protective puppy mum, I took him to Southern Cross station one day and had to up the huge escalator and I was petrified he wouldn't go on his own so I carried him :laugh: and there were two girls whispering on the other side on the way down and when they got closer they asked me if he was real or if he was a big doggy teddy. :laugh: i guess it would be an easy mistake to make when he looked like this :laugh: My mum had this pic on her fridge and my Step sis also thought he was a Teddy!!


Please excuse my newbie ignorance, but what is a Delta Dog? :laugh:

Delta dogs can visit hospitals and nursing homes etc, have a read about it here


TLC - thanks for this information. This is something I have always been interested in, but never knew where to start!!! Will be watching your progress with great interest.

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Good luck girls, I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours.

As you know tlc I also want to go down this path with my sheltie pup. For extra socialisation she's coming to my sons kinder for show and tell tomorrow. It will definitely be interested to see how she copes with 20+ excited kids all wanting a pet. :laugh:

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TLC, I've also registered to get Shandy assessed as a Delta dog at the next evaluation day, which isn't for a few months. They haven't mentioned anything about getting the vet assessment done yet. I wonder if I should follow up on that. I'm also hoping to visit the childrens ward.

I'll be following your reports and those of other DOL teams, so thanks ~*Shell*~ for sharing your experiences with Zero.

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Good luck girls, I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours.

As you know tlc I also want to go down this path with my sheltie pup. For extra socialisation she's coming to my sons kinder for show and tell tomorrow. It will definitely be interested to see how she copes with 20+ excited kids all wanting a pet. ;)

Good luck, I'm sure your girl will be bending over backwards to get a pat from every single kid!! :rofl:

TLC, I've also registered to get Shandy assessed as a Delta dog at the next evaluation day, which isn't for a few months. They haven't mentioned anything about getting the vet assessment done yet. I wonder if I should follow up on that. I'm also hoping to visit the childrens ward.

I'll be following your reports and those of other DOL teams, so thanks ~*Shell*~ for sharing your experiences with Zero.

Have you got any paperwork at all? There is a lot to fill in. Maybe it's different where you are, we have to have all paperwork handed in before assessment day. This involved filling in the dogs detailed application form, the vets assessment, a copy of the dogs vaccination certificate and two references for me and the girls. I also have police check paperwork which I take on the day of the assessment.

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Well Georgia and I are back from visiting the 20+ very excited little kiddies. Georgia did amazingly well. I'm so proud of her. The teacher got all the kids to sit in a circle and then I took Georgia around to get a pet from them all. Then they all asked some questions and I showed them the tricks she can do. They loved it when she did her roll over. She also went and shook hands with every second kid, which they thought was fantastic.

Today Georgia was confronted with a group of kids crowding around her for pets, she had her ears pulled by younger siblings, she had one little kid whack her from behind and she never reacted to any of it. Of course I did coach all the kids on the right way to approach her, and how to treat her, especially the younger ones. I'm totally impressed with her, gawd I love this girl, she's really special. I want her to share that love around, and I totally believe she can do it.

Should I be getting the delta forms filled out now, or leave it till she's 12 months?

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Wow thats great she is definatley Delta dog material, how old is she? Are you in Victoria? I am not sure if the age is 12 or 15 months. Why don't you give the Delta society a call and ask them what is required and if you have any facilities in your area. They may send you the paper work for you to have a look over. Does Georgia go to obedience?

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Wow thats great she is definatley Delta dog material, how old is she? Are you in Victoria? I am not sure if the age is 12 or 15 months. Why don't you give the Delta society a call and ask them what is required and if you have any facilities in your area. They may send you the paper work for you to have a look over. Does Georgia go to obedience?

Georgia is only 6 1/2 months old. So quite a while to go before she's allowed to be tested. And yes I'm in Victoria. Georgia started obedience at four months. At the last level she was one of only two dogs in the class that got put up on testing day. The trainers think Georgia's smart enough to go all the way with her obedience. I feel like a bragging Mum here. :laugh:

I hadn't made contact with Delta yet because of her age, but TerraNik has sent me some forms to look at via email. I don't think there is any point filling any of them in at this stage. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to put a call through to them and see what they say.

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Wow thats great she is definatley Delta dog material, how old is she? Are you in Victoria? I am not sure if the age is 12 or 15 months. Why don't you give the Delta society a call and ask them what is required and if you have any facilities in your area. They may send you the paper work for you to have a look over. Does Georgia go to obedience?

Georgia is only 6 1/2 months old. So quite a while to go before she's allowed to be tested. And yes I'm in Victoria. Georgia started obedience at four months. At the last level she was one of only two dogs in the class that got put up on testing day. The trainers think Georgia's smart enough to go all the way with her obedience. I feel like a bragging Mum here. :laugh:

I hadn't made contact with Delta yet because of her age, but TerraNik has sent me some forms to look at via email. I don't think there is any point filling any of them in at this stage. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to put a call through to them and see what they say.

It definatley can't hurt, just touch base with them and have a chat.

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