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Possible Conjunctivitis


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Hey all,

My boy has woken up with gooey eyes, quite yellow in colour. I'm assuming it's conjunctivitis and have booked him in to see our vet, but unfortunately couldn't get him in until tomorrow afternoon. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could possibly help him without medication or should I just sit tight until we see the vet?

Cheers! :thumbsup:

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I find bathing their eyes with a bit of salted boiled water (cooled obviously but still warm) usually helps. I use those cosmetic pads, a different one for each eye and bathe twice a day. Should hopefully make his eyes a bit more comfortable till you can see the vet.

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When my dog had conjunctivitis, I used lukewarm boiled water (was recommended not to use salt because if you put too much in it can burn the eye) and would hold her eye open, drip the water gently into her eye then she would blink a few times, this would flush most of the gunk out, then I would wipe it off very very gently with a cotton pad or cotton bud.

I also tried chamomile tea (recommended on DOL) with little success, when I told my vet she said I should only ever use water.

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We see many dogs with corneal damage (keratitis) caused by owners using salty water. Step away from the salty water, people!!

We recommend plain old tap water, or Calendula tea.

If you feel the desperate need to add something scientific to your water, try one part betadine (solution, NOT scrub... NOT SCRUB) in 10 parts water.

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I've used cooled cammomile tea on the dog, cat, kid and myself with success :D You do have to make up a new batch each time, but it is very gentle and wont do any harm.

Coloidal silver (sp) is supposed to be good too but I have never tried this.

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