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Indestructable Ideas For Watering The Dog


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I know I asked a while ago about ideas for a water bowl for my now 11 month old GSD ... and I ended up getting a twin tub concrete laundry tub ... but now the brat had broken the twin tubs!!!!!

So back to the drawing board to come up with a fail proof way of keeping water in his side of the yard.

I initially used a large plastic laundry tub which he took to dragging around the back yard before tipping it out and playing with the tub.

I have tried burying 20 litre buckets in the ground and placing rocks in the bottom (for extra weight) and filling - every time he manages to get the bucket out. Don't ask me how he does it because I can't get them out when I tried.

He had chewed up and demolished 2 kiddie pools - he may take a day or two but he manages to destroy them.

I have used a rather heavy concrete barrel look bowl but he has managed to tip it out or dig the water out - leaving him no water.

I have screwed a horse feed thing to the fence ... he has broken the screws or broken the part of the fence ripping it off - either way the horse feed thing is empty and off the fence by the end of the day.

I brought a large old heavy concrete twin laundry tub to act as his water bowl but was having difficulty keeping the water in it as he would dig out the plugs even when under large heavy full size pavers (he removed about 20+ small pavers when I initially brought it). I went away for 5 days (they were looked after by my brother) and return to find he has smashed 2 sides of the concrete laundry tub ... probably using the concrete pavers that were in the bottom as some of them are also broken.

This dog is also known to turn on a garden tap so we need to turn off the water supply to his side of the yard when he is not supervised ... just so he can play in the water.

He is walked for about an hour a day, given free run as the local off leash area (either alone with me or with our other dog) and has some obedience training (short 5 or 10 minute sessions twice in the morning) and the same again in the evening. We leave him interactive toys to play with during the day ... which he plays with.

I know he is a working dog (working lines) and meant to be a complete pain in the butt ... but I just want to go to work each day and know he is not going to be without water for the day.

I can't seem to find any large concrete troughs in Brisbane (I found some that are 500+kg but these are just far too heavy for us to get home) ... most are plastic or poly and I just know they won't last for very long.

Please help!!!!

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Failing that, a 44 gallon drum cut in half so you have a sturdy flat base, and bend the edges over on themselves so they aren't sharp. We used to use one for our old ACD who used to trash every water trough known to man. It worked, just meant he started on his kennel instead. :thumbsup:

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Maybe somehow get a hose and just let it drip into something so that he can lick the drips, sort of like they put in for chooks., you know the metal tube thingy, with a bottle on the end and they touch the end and the water comes out :D :rofl:

You could make it on the other side of his fence and just poke it through. :D

He is obviously now just determined to help you find new ideas for water containment ;)

Agree very persistant :rofl:

And very frustrating for you. :D

He is like my sheppies love their water, but mine dont eat their clam shells, :eek::cry:

ETA Does he have any teeth left or pads on the bottom of his feet if he is digging :rofl:

Edited by carlibud
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Perhaps one of these? http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/waterdog-a...r-pet-fountain/


ETA - mind you...he still might eat it :rofl: You can get a smaller version that is stainless steel and just screws onto the tap, you just leave the tap running slightly and the water won't come out until they nudge/lick the nozzle bit - i just can't remember where i bought it from!

ETA - i bought one of those concrete small troughs for the dogs...which was great - kept the water cool and everything...except Sabre the twit would dig all the water out of it - and usually in the morning!

Edited by KitKat
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Perhaps one of these? http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/waterdog-a...r-pet-fountain/


ETA - mind you...he still might eat it :rofl: You can get a smaller version that is stainless steel and just screws onto the tap, you just leave the tap running slightly and the water won't come out until they nudge/lick the nozzle bit - i just can't remember where i bought it from!

ETA - i bought one of those concrete small troughs for the dogs...which was great - kept the water cool and everything...except Sabre the twit would dig all the water out of it - and usually in the morning!

KitKat - I can just imagine coming home to an extremely muddy yard because he spent the whole day infront of the fountain waiting for it to turn on.

We actually turn the back tap off at the point it comes out of the wall at the side of the house as he watched me turn the back tap on once ... so now he can turn the tap on. I have had to take the handle off the side tap (at the side of the house) because he realised that was where I also turned it off - silly me forgot to turn it off when he wasn't watching.

Maxiewolf - bugger, I just came through Dalby yesterday on my way back from Charleville. I could have called in and checked them out. They look like they would be very difficult to turn over...

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Perhaps one of these? http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/waterdog-a...r-pet-fountain/


ETA - mind you...he still might eat it :rofl: You can get a smaller version that is stainless steel and just screws onto the tap, you just leave the tap running slightly and the water won't come out until they nudge/lick the nozzle bit - i just can't remember where i bought it from!

ETA - i bought one of those concrete small troughs for the dogs...which was great - kept the water cool and everything...except Sabre the twit would dig all the water out of it - and usually in the morning!

KitKat - I can just imagine coming home to an extremely muddy yard because he spent the whole day infront of the fountain waiting for it to turn on.

This is a Water Dog and is what I have. The water only runs for a couple of minutes if that. If the dog learns to stand in front of the sensor to get the water, the Water Dog is programmed to stop, so your dog can't just stand there and have water running all the time. Your dog has to go away for something like 30 minutes or more before it will start working again.

I think it's worth a try. It's only $100 odd although Deals Direct might have them cheaper.

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I bought a stock watering trough from a stock and station type place. It cost about $300 new. Its approx 6ft x 3ft and about 2ft deep. Trust me once its even a third full NO dog can move it lol. My dogs LOVE this and spend half their lives wallowing in it.

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Old bath tub, works really well for our stallion who has a water fetish, if a full grown stallion (coming in at a good 16.5) can't tip it your dog wont be able too!

We cemented the plug shut, a litte harder to clean out but it works.

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