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The article says nothing about what happened to the attacking dogs' owner. They deserve a hefty fine and/or jail time and should be forbidden to own dogs.
- Today
tragically too true, did you read or hear about the pizza shop owner at Kingswood, harassed by 7 or was it 6 teens at 10pm, just an hour before he closed? If they had waited he would have given them the pizzas slices still unsold rather than throw them out. he was an incredibly nice, kind man. He had been there for 15 years and he was an awesome man, if I discovered I hadnt brought enough money he would say dont worry pay the rest next time u come, or if near closing give you double to clear any of the pre made in the display. one chap lost his job and he fed him for free till he had found a job. thats the kind of person he was and he's murdered????? why? next thing he is lying beside the shop on the great western highway? Turned out the 15 year old in the group knifed him. The amobo's and Westmead hospital tried for 2 and a half hours to save him but the little bastard made sure he was so badly injured he could not be saved. Our friend will never get paroled, our friend will never get the opportunity to be "rehabilitated"
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Thanks for the video, they're so cute like a mini bear cross lion cross otter dog!
Posties Using Citronella Spray to Defend Against Rising Dog Attacks
JulietteBowles replied to Deeds's topic in In The News
That’s a clever solution! It’s great to see creativity in action! -
Not a surprise at all if people are following the animal welfare aspects of Europe & people should be worried
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Wonder if this is the beginning of the end of protection sport: We inform you about the regulation of the Federal Minister of Health regarding detailed provisions on the training of dogs in accordance with animal welfare regulations, Federal Law Gazette II No. 56/2012, which is amended as follows: The following paragraph 4 is added to Section 2: "(4) The training of dogs for protection purposes (protection dog training) as well as other comparable training and sporting activities of dogs which involve aggressive behaviour directed against humans or against objects carried by humans or biting training directed against humans are prohibited. This ban does not apply to the training of dogs that are proven to be used as service dogs by the federal government, biting or gnawing at objects that are clearly distinguishable from the human body, such as ropes, balls, Frisbees or similar objects, as well as the continuation of these types of training if they were started with the dogs in the last six months before the entry into force of this regulation and if complete signal control over the trained behaviour has not yet been achieved; these trainings are permitted solely for the purpose of achieving signal control over the behaviour, must not encourage any further attack behaviour or biting training directed against humans and must in any event be completed by 1 September 2025 at the latest."
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Yay, go the Dandie!
I think the Crufts Vulnerable Breed Competition is a great idea, but I wonder whether the more popular breeds are almost as vulnerable. In terms of breed preservation, the most important factor is not the number of dogs born or even the number of breeding dogs but rather the number of dogs that will contribute to the breed in the long term. This number reduces generation by generation and has now done so for well over a century. Firstly, in most breeds, only a small proportion of puppies are registered as main register. This protects kennels’ reputations but I don’t know how much it protects the dogs from careless breeding outside the registry. It DOES reduce the effective population size for these breeds within the internationally recognised registries. Secondly, only some of the main register dogs will be bred and a few amongst those will contribute disproportionately to the next generation. There are sometimes very sound health, temperament and conformation reasons to exclude a dog from a breeding program but often the decision to breed one dog in preference to his equally sound sibling is based on chance. A show dog may be preferred because his flashier markings have caught the judges’ eyes or a working gun dog may achieve success because he has been trained more skilfully or campaigned more heavily. Breeders overlook the big contribution that his sibling could make, if bred selectively alongside his more successful brother - the potential to increase breeding population size and reduce inbreeding in future generations while retaining traits valued by the breeder. Thirdly, only a small proportion of kennels contribute to the breed in the long term. A lot of small and midsize kennels are dedicated to improving the breed and produce excellent quality dogs but lack the “name” and the success that would attract interest from other breeders. Their dogs are excellent ambassadors for the breed but don’t contribute to the gene pool in the long term. Finally, even the popularity of very successful kennels and bloodlines may wane over time, as breeders age and participate less in the dog world. If the breed is lucky, some of their dogs may make lasting contributions to the genetics of the breed. However, as preferences change, the qualities inherited by the descendants of their dogs may be overlooked by other breeders. I’ve seen that happen and it makes me sad… so much dedication to the breed just going to waste in the long term. The long term effects are a loss of heterogeneity - and arguably a loss of vitality - in individual dogs and a loss of genetic diversity across even popular breeds. After more than a century, I fear that I’m seeing the consequences of these genetic bottlenecks. I’m not saying the popular breeds will die out. Most won’t. They’ll be maintained by dogs bred outside the internationally recognised registries. But I think problems will increase within the popular registries. I’ll give you an example. I recently saw a discussion about Golden Retrievers in North America. Golden Retrievers have a high cancer rate, with a frightening number of very young dogs succumbing to lymphoma and slightly older dogs dying suddenly from haemangiocarcinoma. In this discussion, someone asked where they could find a puppy that wasn’t descended from a particular kennel whose dogs were rumoured to be at higher risk of cancer. They were told that it would be difficult to find a puppy whose pedigree didn’t trace back to that kennel. Whether or not the rumours about that kennel were true, I find it frightening that one kennel could contribute so disproportionately even to a very popular breed in one of the largest registries in the world.
My comment was in relation to that one sentence only and regarding life generally. Living in Inner Sydney sadly makes you cynical. I see it all around me . People do whatever it takes to survive.
Defeatist, when there is so much that can be done. Could start by joining ACA . Not just breeders, but state bodies, for a voice. And Stop discrediting breeders, weather they be ANKC or 'other'. There are solutions, but little support when the expectation on Breeders is they prove they aren't part of the problem, while there can be no real distinction between 'types' of breeders that can ever be claimed exclusively. You really do reap what you sow.
Everyone is getting too old and cynical these days. It's a sign of the times.
I've used Orivet but im in nsw I love that every one that's been profiled has its own file I can log into and print a copy any time I want
I've created a new thread in the breeders section. We have 7588 ANKC members Australia wide who use Dogzonline to advertise their litters. Wake up u lot and get activating before its too late. be interesting to see if any of our 7,588 ANKC breeders listed AUSTRALIA WIDE, respond as enthusiastically as they did to My thread to "Sharing mum and puppy pics" posted in August 2, 2022 or am I just getting too old and cynical these days?
I hear the Tasmanian govt is being lobbied by the rspca to enact even more tough legislation aimed at exterminating registered purebred dog breeders. Then, next step to get it added to all mainland states. The writing is on the wall, yet the ANKC, aka DOGSNSW along with all other state ANKC branches are asleep at the wheel? Have been since 2000 and even before that. Animal Libbers have been busy since the 1980's yet those of us affected have been asleep at the wheel along with the ANKC. HUGGING YOURSELF, that I'm ethical, I'm responsible has meant no one has stood up and said these legislation changes only affect the registered breeders? The pounds are chock full of unchipped dogs and cats. Millions are never chipped, almost as many are NEVER even vaccinated? How do I know? I am a chipper, the number of unchipped puppies. I have been asked to chip by responsible new owners is staggering and on the main their darling new puppy/kitten didn't even come with its vaccination papers. So not only do I refuse to chip it until they have headed to the nearest vet for its vaccination, the must frustrating part of the exercise is trying to get the name and address of the genuine backyard breeder who sold them their potentially dying pet. Yes, many already have a temperature and coming down with parvo. So I not only have to get them to take it to their vet immediately. Then have to go home and disinfect myself. BUT will they give me to name and address of the monster who sold them their new pet? No chance, "I dont want to get them into trouble" The outraged vet gets the same idiot reply too. There is no understanding the general public who shun registered breeders believing we are egotistical interested only in the show scene and not healthy breeds, thanks to the propaganda of "pedigree dogs exposed" and the Animal Libbers and their photo's of starving bitches with their puppies hanging off them! Doubt me? Even my local council representative has admitted on average 90% of dogs in the pound are unchipped on arrival! So they sure never came from a registered breeder of any registered breeding group, ANKC OR OTHERWISE.......... so no 5 litters max for the mothers of those dogs/puppies, microchips been law now for what its it? over 30 years now? Ok not new, been asleep at the wheel for over 20 years thinking being ethical and responsible, will save the members and their dogs. Wake up ANKC, if you dont get off your butts and lobby the politicians the register is doomed to extinction! At least at the last election they did stir, even sent out that memo warning all the members to think carefully and NOT vote for the AJP or GREENS, and ask the independent's what is their policy's on dog ownership including purebreds. But without active lobbying, the ANKC is on track to its only members left will be unregistered breeds and x bred activities and competition owners. In 2020 my vet Richard gave it 15 years before the purebred register will have reduced most breeds numbers down to endangered and/or to near extinction numbers! Not what it was created for folks? OK I know this place is as near dead as the ANKC is heading of these 28 Breeds have no registered ANKC breeders Australia wide. so surely qualify as extinct in this country? 73 Breeds Have less than 10 registered ANKC breeders Australia wide, (many have only 1 to 5 registered breeders) so probably numbers of these breeds would qualify as critically endangered gene pool already. 24 Breeds have less than 20 registered ANKC breeders Australia wide, (many have only 11 to 15 registered breeders) so probably numbers of these breeds would qualify as endangered/critical gene pool already. But is still has 7,588 ANKC breeders listed AUSTRALIA WIDE! so our facts are. Hiding in the woodwork are 7,588 registered ANKC breeders who use DOGZONLINE to advertise their puppies yet keep their noses out of all the forums? Including even the BREEDERS only forum? Or lobby our ANKC'S to actually represent us when parliament is being manipulated by the rspca and AJP, Green's, et al, to legislatively destroy us? Go check. I asked these members, to share photos of their brood bitches to PROVE how good a condition breeding bitches stay, rising their litters, to put the lie to the ANIMAL LIBBERS horrific photos of emaciated bitches, which has been the driving force to destroy registered breeders. Not even the ANKC WOULD get off its butt and counter with photos to disprove the AR mobs advertising? Make no mistake all this legislation has only affected registered breeder's. Not just ANKC, but MDBA and the other registered Pet breeders. My thread to "Sharing mum and puppy pics" posted in August 2, 2022 NOT ONE , NOT ONE, OF THAT 7,588 ANKC breeders listed AUSTRALIA WIDE! Has responded with any photo.......NOT ONE? I am as terrified as all of you are, of being targeted for persecution for being a registered breeder. Make no mistake on that. ( I did the unspeakable, in November 1999, I broke the silence and told what happened to my dog. At least he survived, (so many are never returned) I did get him back with no charges, even though my vet Richard had to put him on antibiotic's and drip the minute I got him straight there from rspca Yagoona, to save him, after 13 days in their "care" the day they let me pick him up and pay all their charges for the things they did to him trying to find something to charge me with) I was persecuted for 19 years, by my fellow ankc members, both here and privately and my breed club. (the favourite mantra is "where there's smoke there's fire" ) when I posted what the RSPCA did to my dog Stringy, (He was so tiny I called him that because he was no bigger than a piece of string as a puppy. Since he only grew to 1.2 Kg the name stuck) That was November 1999, I was locked out of posting here for over a year by Troy and only allowed to post after that on the condition I was NEVER to mention rspca in any context. It only took 19 years before others and Troy eventually began to realise what a monster they had become. I did end up in Nepean Hospital in the Psych ward 3 months later. Its awful to learn you can not protect your self, its soul destroying to learn you cannot even protect your pet. At the time they said I had Bipolar, (apparently its very hard to detect the difference between many mental breakdowns) only took them 14 years to realise the subtle differences between that and PTSD. Unfortunately I learned, it cant be cut out like a cancer or killed by chemo and radiation like the non Hodgins lymphoma. Much as I wish it could be. Incredibly medical science has discovered it can even be detected in a MRI? Maybe one day they can zap it into remission? Learned a bad enough panic attack can kill you? (Thanks Professor Fitzpatrick for figuring that one out after my 3rd admission for suspected heart attack, he finally worked out was massive, panic attack? Not a learning curve I intentionally signed up for) but good excuse to dismiss anything I say as the ravings of a lunatic which helps comfort many for attacking me,( fortunately I'm more used to that than dealing with the panic attacks. They tend hard work to deal with) Unfortunately for pet owners, hundreds of thousands, more likely millions of us, suffering ptsd in all its varying forms, find great comfort and solace from their pets. A percentage become registered breeders and there's the rub. that unfortunately, automatically puts them in the sights of the rspca and animal rights.
OK I know this place is as near dead as the ANKC is heading But is still has 7,588 ANKC breeders listed AUSTRALIA WIDE! of these 28 Breeds have no registered ANKC breeders Australia wide. so surely qualify as extinct in this country? 73 Breeds Have less than 10 registered ANKC breeders Australia wide, (many have only 1 to 5 registered breeders) so probably numbers of these breeds would qualify as critically endangered gene pool already. 24 Breeds have less than 20 registered ANKC breeders Australia wide, (many have only 11 to 15 registered breeders) so probably numbers of these breeds would qualify as endangered gene pool already. so our facts are. Hiding in the woodwork are 7,588 registered ANKC breeders who use DOGZONLINE to advertise their puppies yet keep their noses out of all the forums? Including even the BREEDERS only forum? Go check. I asked these members to share photos of their brood bitches to PROVE how good a condition breeding bitches stay rising their litters to put the lie to the ANIMAL LIBBERS horrific photos of emaciated bitches, which has been the driving force to destroy registered breeders. Make no mistake all this legislation has only affected registered breeder's. Not just ANKC, but MDBA and the other registered Pet breeders.
Someone definitely should have come and dealt with that truck crash ....those poor injured cattle Removing the warning signs was for what reason, I wonder?
THEY EVEN REMOVED the signs warning cattle on the road? so some unknowing motorist could end up with one through their windscreen? Some one could die unless the locals yard them into their own properties? Yet I hear the Tasmanian govt is being lobbied by the rspca to enact even more tough legislation aimed at exterminating registered purebred dog breeders, then to get it added to all mainland states. the writing is on the wall yet the ANKC, aka DOGSNSW along with all other state ANKC branches are asleep at the wheel? Ok not new, been asleep at the wheel for over 20 years thinking being ethical and responsible, will save the members and their dogs. Wake up ANKC, if you dont get off your butts and lobby the politicians the register is doomed to extinction! At least at the last election they did stir and sent out that memo warning all the members to think carefully and NOT vote for the AJP or GREENS, and ask the independants what is their policy's on dog ownership including purebreds. But without active lobbying the ANKC is on track to its only members left will be x bred activities and competition owners. In 2020 my vet Richard gave it 15 years before the purebred register will have reduced most breeds numbers down to endangered and/or to near extinction numbers! Not what it was created for folks?
I thought the usual recovery time was 6 weeks even without surgery. In fact I thought it may take even longer with conservative treatment. There was a Vizla near that went through the conservative treatment i.e. no surgery and it took quite a while . They kept the dog crated a lot of the time but in the end it worked perfectly.
I remember a memorial for a famous show dog. "We loved him, the judges loved him, and he was a pleasure to live with."
Toddler Dies After Being Mauled to Death by 2 Dogs. Inquest Verdict.
persephone replied to Deeds's topic in In The News
good points, coneye. -
Toddler Dies After Being Mauled to Death by 2 Dogs. Inquest Verdict.
coneye replied to Deeds's topic in In The News
You could also argue that . if a owner knew his dogs had to be locked away from public , all fences should be high and any gates should be locked to stop entry regardless a toddler who just wants to pat the doggies , or an adult delivering a parcel . I have owned LOTS of dogs over the years but will say i've only had one i did'nt trust with strangers , funny enough all my familly and freinds said i was being silly he was freindly with everyone . BUT from an early age i noticed he could be geed up and fire up very quickly , so NO ONE was allowed to play fight with him , i had done it when he was young , and seen him change very quickly , so perhaps no one else seen what i thought he was capable off , kids were allowed to pat him , but NEVER gee him up , and they did'nt because i ALWAYS kept a very close eye when kids were there , anyway , , because i knew him and too be honest would never trust him not to go a stranger if they came in unounced , i simply raised the fences so he could'nt jump out , and kept the side gate , PADLOCKED , . Yet that dog never ever showed aggresion to any one , everyone thought he was a lovely playful thing , UNTIL i actually seen with my own eyes , some guy coming over the back fence ,i lived in a double story and was on the back balcony it was around midnight i was sat in the dark and spotted this guy come over the fence has he was walking up to the house , the dog without a bark any warning whatsoever , attacked him , i called the dog off he came back the guy run , jumped back over and disapeared , but he was bleeding heavlly . Point being i always suspected he was capable of this , dispite being freindly to everyone else , and thats why i always PADLOCKED THE GATE i never wanted the chance of someone coming in by mistake , if the owner knew they were capable of biting , a fence a child can open, is / was not good enough , a todller was'nt doing wrong he just wanted to pat the doggies . I would also go has far has to say if a owner is not going to do this them dogs should not be there , its irrisponsible to say , all dogs can bite , all bites can be fatal , and especielly if you know your dog is capable of this . NOT TO KEEP IT UNDER LOCK AND KEY , thats why this one of mine was ALWAYS UNDER LOCK AND KEY OUTSIDE IN HIS YARD OR RUN rest of the time he was always freindly when with myself or the familly , just a normal freindly dog with no aggressive trends whatsoever , , i only suspected , this owner obviously knew My dog by the way was a Rotty